Japanese Chinese Artist Name? in Calligraphy on This Gorgeous Enamel

Discussion in 'Art' started by alynnfin, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    3BD828C5_341F_46C9_9E4D_6D7FAC634E2D_1_201_a__1646177076_16729.jpg 40E93EC0_58F4_4259_BDEB_AF271110C302__1646175979_83436.jpg FA92A1CD_0961_4342_A8B8_8CBB91334891__1646176139_16675.jpg 0FFF9580_C056_4876_80C3_1FAB618EDDFF_1_201_a__1646177114_32082.jpg I bought this stunning enamel and it is signed in either Japanese or Chinese. I not only do not know the name, I do not know which country it is from. Sight size 6 3/4" by 5 1/4". The back is covered by wood in a special frame and the enamel piece is glued on wood, so I cannot access the back of it. Thank you.
    Figtree3 and moreotherstuff like this.
  2. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    Lovely colours, just a hunch, I say japanesey, I take it back, haven't got a clue :)
    judy and Figtree3 like this.
  3. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Yes, the coloring is marvelous. Yep just like I felt.
    charlie cheswick and judy like this.
  4. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Beautiful... very uplifting!
    charlie cheswick and judy like this.
  5. JayBee

    JayBee Well-Known Member

    Thus is the right orientation of the character, in Chinese "wu" (武) --- the piece however does not look Chinese.

    Asian Fever, Figtree3 and judy like this.
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