Is this Indian needlework?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Rberr, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. Rberr

    Rberr Member

    Hi there. Was wondering exactly what this style would be called and what kind of value it would have? We have an opportunity to pick it up at what we think is a fair price for $80 IMG_3321.JPG IMG_3323.JPG IMG_3322.JPG . We do like the piece but want to make sure that we are not overpaying for it. Also looking at it as an investment. Thanks for any input!
    judy likes this.
  2. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    Kalaga embroidery, Burmese. I don't know values though.
    judy likes this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    IMO, one should never buy anything for its investment value. (Certainly you've seen the ANTIQUE ROADSHOW episodes that compare now and then values. More often than not disappointing.) This will help you make a decision.

    judy likes this.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Around here, $80 would be full retail; that sort of art doesn't sell well locally. Your mileage may be different elsewhere, and markets change.
    judy likes this.
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