I recently got this copy of Leaves of Grass at a giveaway at the end of an auction. It looks to me like it's a very good 1894 printing, and could be worth in the hundreds. Am I right or am I deluded?
It's a reprint with a facsimile signature of a classic. I'm not seeing collector value. What source are you using for "could be worth in the hundreds?" Debora
From a quick look, it does look like it has some value. Worthpoint has some sold records from $50 to $200+. It will depend on condition and completeness as to what yours will bring.
Note that the seller on ABE is Rooke Books, so it is the same copy. Asking price is not always the best guide to value. Finding comparable copies that have sold is more helpful. For example, here is an earlier printing of the "deathbed edition" (1891-92) by McKay that sold on ebay for $150. https://www.ebay.com/itm/195733134050?hash=item2d929a9ae2:g:-q0AAOSwzzNkG5Ep&amdata=enc:AQAIAAAA8GgKmzy2bHYH1KXzt2d16KTsVx25UnyKBvh1fcK3dRJp5L0nZiPM+HsFIQVfYMBfYTK3uSYEmKwD5moYfciSaVV6Tf/nlrryoodUEnLikEg54W/SRNXVshwXVCwrAp5oHB1gfRHTBKFsWkmvtkhMLKUHYNgBnEM1QMTAAaTpELhMZrb9mDKC6jg7SEiWzbfRMlBf4EQGK6+npiPU41KRPiIYBtlXMJKI4f1RVWixY8DfZFZM39/UUCKM3vZcFe2xh+IPEo38XVH9grctwuEmK3PImOn9dOMdZsmmj5xNMInlcxevx5dM/vZuczs06ydCEQ==|tkp:Bk9SR57hioSqYg&nma=true&si=%2Bn7EJjqXN6fbVanLcMH1kfhr9cI%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Nevertheless, it is a fine thing to have gotten for free. Here is some additional information on the great variety of Whitman editions: https://www.biblio.com/leaves-of-grass-by-whitman-walt/work/37794
Generally, later printings are a disappointment unless they have desirable illustrations or something. If you had FDR's copy with his bookplate, for instance, the price would go up.