
Discussion in 'Books' started by Khalid ELMERRAH, Jun 27, 2021.


Is this artifacts real or fake ?

  1. Yes they are real

  2. No they look fake

    0 vote(s)
  1. Khalid ELMERRAH

    Khalid ELMERRAH New Member

    hello everyone,

    My name is Khalid, I'm from Morocco, I found your forum while looking for informations about some Old Jewish Artifacts and American coins collection, and i would like to sell them but i don't know the actual value and the price of them i don't even Hebrew to understand what's in this books.

    here is the gallery on google photo :

    thanks for your help
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Khalid! You're going to be asked to post your photographs directly in their respective forums. Someone will be along shortly with instructions about how to do so.

  3. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Welcome Khalid. Hopefully, next year I will be visiting your wonderful country!

    I assume you have seen this link about how to present your items here, if not here it is.

    Posting a thread and uploading pictures. | Antiques Board (

    Make a new post for each item or related group on the forum that specializes in that item such as the Pottery, Glass and Porcelain Forum.

    Many new members have trouble uploading photos because they exceed the photo limit of 1MB. Here are some instructions on what to do.

    The first ones relate to how to upload from a phone:

    Email your photo to yourself selecting size Medium. This will do the trick.

    Here are two threads about how to resize pictures based on your phone type, if you need more help.
    Resizing Photos On I-Phone | Antiques Board (
    Using an Android Phone For Pics on Antiquers | Antiques Board

    If you are using a computer:
    Then depending on what type of computer you have you can resize them. If you have windows 10, download them and then go to the bottom where the folder is; find the photo in downloads. Click on it and then right click it. You should see a resize option.

    On a iMac, @cheersdeers recommends drag pics to desktop, double click on them, click on Tools and then Adjust Size by as much as half.

    When you post your pictures, please make sure you click on Insert as "Full Image" at the top of your pictures

    Good luck. we're help to help you
  4. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    7010326F-20CE-41C3-9873-BB92B22380A7.jpeg D9288704-8B64-42C0-9A99-BF67D78AA94E.jpeg 41429989-14B9-4747-B5C1-B8240493D728.jpeg 273097EA-4B5D-418D-97F7-93F1BEAEC607.jpeg B41CDBAB-6CFD-4F81-9BA2-0F1897E7E280.jpeg

    Welcome Khalid!

    I’ve uploaded some photos of the book. Maybe @komokwa can help. I am moving this thread to Books Forum. Please start a new thread for the coins, using instructions above for photos.
    Born2it and komokwa like this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    this one is beyond me.......
    i need help likes this.
  6. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    flying angels....scorpions...& snakes......I'm not sure I wanna know...!!:eek::eek:
    i need help likes this.
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