Interested in buying this, any good?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Elen Beattie, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I am thinking about buying this painting and would value your opinions to make my mind up! I think it is quite well done? I am curious to know if you think it looks like any particular artist's work? It looks expressionistic to me but that's all I know! Here is the description:

    Watercolor on black matte paper, passe-partout, framed in brass frame.
    Passe-partout marked by framing company - Emil Bieber, Berlin-Hamburg.
    Watercolor most likely originated in Germany.
    Dimensions : 18 cm height x 12 cm width il_794xN.1450310757_aqt9.jpg il_794xN.1450310959_gudq.jpg icm_fullxfull.316482592_gof9rh9mxq0wsc8kw4s8.jpg

    I asked for a pic with the back of the frame off as well. As always, help much appreciated!
  2. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

    In a word, NOPE
    johnnycb09 and Bakersgma like this.
  3. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    No idea whodunnit, but I like him too. I like his attitude!
    Elen Beattie likes this.
  4. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Nope to whodunnit? Or nope it's not well done? Thanks! ;)
  5. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    Its not by a well trained artist. If you like it buy it. If your buying to resell then pass on it.
    Naturally likes this.
  6. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Appreciate the advice, thanks!
  7. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

    Nope to your topic question :arghh:
    Interested in buying this, any good?
    Naturally likes this.
  8. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Ahh ok fair enough! Thanks for the advice :shy:
  9. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I see the influence of German Expressionism too. A very eye catching image. And certainly the work of someone with artistic training. Is it affordable? And are you buying to resell or just enjoy?

  10. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  11. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    You have a good eye, Elen.

    Elen Beattie likes this.
  12. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Thanks Deborah! I think this one I was probably going to try and resell at some point. I do try to buy things that I like as well so if I am unsuccessful selling, I still have something I don't hate at the end of it!

    It is around $180 CAD which I think is a little steep but was prepared to pay if it was something decent.
  13. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    I actually did research that name thanks and thought perhaps the reuse of the frame may indicate a decent German artwork.
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    ohhh, that's way too much money ................
  15. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's including postage! Maybe I could make an offer :confused:
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    That's what I'd assume too re frame reuse. And photography studio's dates work with piece (assuming piece is roughly contemporary to passe-partout.) Doesn't look like watercolor though. More like a gouache. Only you can judge if there's any profit in resale at that price in your market. Seems a bit pricey for unidentified artist. But certainly an arresting image.

  17. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot, I really appreciate your research and feedback!
  18. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    So it's fairly small at 7"x 5". A few observations. In the photo of the back is the painted the black section? If yes, I'm seeing what looks like what might be a tear in the paper. I don't notice this from the front, but maybe something to investigate if you are thinking of purchasing.

    Also the way it the back was held with those metal tabs I usually associate with less expensive items/framing, but of course could have been re-framed.

    My personal feeling is that this isn't a good resale item at that price. But if you personally love it, then you have to decide. Best of luck.
  19. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Many thanks and good observation re.the possible tear! I should ask the seller about that.
    Lucille.b likes this.
  20. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    It looks too much like all the other paintings in this genre. The old sea captain with the pipe for example. You can find that painting like every week. It does look like the artist has experience but it all seems so slap dash, like the clothing seems like it was cut and pasted on or something.

    Would never spend 180 on something like this. Really good unsigned works max out at about 300 in my experience (there's exceptions). You can find amazing Hudson Valley school paintings and naval scenes for say 100 and try to resell them from that point. Try casting your net wider, look at more auctions and more estate sales to get a better idea of what you can realistically resell.
    Elen Beattie likes this.
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