Indian/Dhokra items

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Marote, Feb 16, 2024.

  1. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    image7.jpeg image6.jpeg image5.jpeg image8.jpeg image9.jpeg image10.jpeg image11.jpeg image12.jpeg image13.jpeg image14.jpeg
    Old/new? Authentic use/tourists pieces? Worth a few $$/nothing special? :)
    judy, johnnycb09 and komokwa like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Both. Not all of them are Dhokra, btw. Most of them are good pieces, meant for ritual.
    The bowl is Dhokra, nice but there are many like it.

    The two round lidded items are betel containers. There is a market for genuine betel paraphernalia, although these particular ones aren't very rare.

    The spoon with the small bowl is a puja spoon. Puja is a purification ritual performed for statues of deities, for instance. Some of these sell for very nice money.

    The oil lamp is a nice one, but also closer to tourist/export ware.

    The scoop could be a puja spoon as well. It is a model I am not familiar with.

    The last one is a kohl/kajal burner, used to make kohl, the black eye makeup. They would hang these over an oil lamp with a specially made wick from which they would collect soot. Looks like this one was repurposed as a container for blue pigment, used in dances, especially in the south.

    I think there is a market for all of them, should you wish to sell.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
    Marote, 2manybooks, judy and 2 others like this.
  3. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    What a blue that is!
    Marote likes this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Marote, I just sent you a private message.:)
    Marote and judy like this.
  5. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    What did I do wrong to deserve such a pm with all those insults?!

    Just kidding :p. Thank you for the pm and for sharing your knowledge here.
    Any Jewelry and komokwa like this.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Just me in a foul mood.:mad::joyful::hilarious:
    Marote and komokwa like this.
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