Incense Holder?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Desertau, Jun 28, 2024 at 4:38 AM.

  1. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    This is something a little perplexing in that it’s a great looking decorative piece, but the one roadshow I made the effort to lug this heavy chunk of metal too it seemed to garner little interest and I don’t recall if they gave an estimate of value.

    what I did learn I don’t know how accurate but seemed reasonable I guess, they said Japanese, incense holder probably used in a hall of some sort, there would have been 4 one in each corner and that the side rings were missing.

    so, I have a very heavy flower pot. Is the anything about this that might change my opinion on the desirability or is this a fairly common item, nothing special? IMG_2024-06-28-001614.jpeg IMG_2024-06-28-001717.jpeg IMG_2024-06-28-001752.jpeg IMG_2024-06-28-001930.jpeg
    komokwa, mmarco102 and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I don't know about 4 of them, but it could be right. I certainly agree with the rest of the info. And it is a beauty.:)

    Am I right in thinking that you put the plant straight into the censer? No pot and saucer?:nailbiting: That will result in corrosion and verdigris. Not good for the plant, and certainly not good for the censer.:(
    Desertau and mmarco102 like this.
  3. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    ya, you are right, the planter as it is seems to handle the abuse without issue, the plant stand is probably more at risk and something i need to address with a saucer of some sort, the construction of the vessel there is a large circular hole, the brass is likely (lm guessing) 3/4” thick and a much older looking bronze disk with symbols we can’t read was soldered that hole on the inside in 3 places, although now unattached but held in place fitting a small recess that hold it in place.

    after posting i did some image surfing, this I’m not used to do so it’s usually an afterthought. The item could also be a Hibachi Burner I guess something I never knew existed? I do have a Hibachi but doubt it would fit the one I have. IMG_2024-06-28-093028.jpeg
  4. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    The image surfing produced a hit and image similar to both the plant stand and a much nicer example of a Burner if that I’d what it is. The burner examples all had side ornaments but no rings hanging from them. IMG_2024-06-28-093442.png IMG_2024-06-28-093401.png IMG_2024-06-28-093324.png
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