Impressed ridge from the plate marks on this etching? De Seve Del Edir. ? is what?

Discussion in 'Art' started by alynnfin, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    I can sort of see a possible thin impressed mark where the light cream background divides from the white paper from a plate being pressed on the paper (see 2nd photo) I think. The etching has shifted on the Le Dindon. Does that mean it is older? Are they worth anything if that is the case. Very expensively framed. I have the Le Coq by Li Le Grand Sculpt but the mat covers that part. In the left lower corner they both have De Seve del then Edir.? something I can't read and 1 on the Le Coq and 2 on Le Dindon. Any clue what that is? The frames measure 18" by 16". Thank you. I have been reading some of the info you have about these, but each is somewhat me. Thank you. IMG_4542__1695491901_53963.jpg IMG_4671__1695491943_54273.jpg IMG_4550__1695491972_74128.jpg IMG_4609__1695492099_86473.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2023
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Frames are 1980s. Can't read framer's label. 'Spect they're decorative prints from that era.

  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

  4. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I can't tell if they are engravings or decorative reproductions. The originals were engravings (and this may be).

    Here's "Le Dindon" with some information:

    They're likely both from the same source: Histoire naturelle, gènèrale et particuliére, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi

    This was a series of books produced over a long period of time in the 18th C. Many engravers were involved in the project, but Jacques de Sève seems to have been the artist who supplied most of the imagery for those others to engrave.

    De Seve is Jacques de Sève (fl. 1742–1788). He created the design.

    C G Guttenberg is Carl Gottlieb Guttenberg (1743-1790). He was the engraver.

    Le Grand is probably Louis Le Grand (another engraver), but the date seems too late for the Louis Le Grand you will most easily find on line.

    The coloring was probably done by hand, but could have been done at any time.

    So the question is: are they repros or originals?
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2023
    mirana, Any Jewelry and Bronwen like this.
  5. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

  6. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Moreotherstuff, that was great info and I thank you. So where do I go for a definite answer as to if mine or repros or originals? Also, is there much difference in prices between the two? Are originals in the $300 range and copies in the $20 range, as an example. Because, if it isn't much difference, it would not be worth it for me to go to the expense or trouble to find out Thank you so much.
  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    You have to find someone who can recognize an engraving. Is there an art gallery or museum near you? These are framed, and you don't want to undo that, so you need someone knowledgeable to express an opinion. If they are repros, it's possible that the colors, under high magnification, will show a pattern of dots.

    Even originals of these are not very expensive prints. I have one from these books that was an inexpensive online purchase.

    I think that actually works in your favor because it makes it less likely that they would be reproduced.

    I also think color and framing will help with salability. They're nice decorations.

    The prints were not colored in the books, which means that was added later, but I think most people will prefer color if they're hanging a picture.
    Bakersgma likes this.
  8. alynnfin

    alynnfin Well-Known Member

    Thanks. It is hand colored. I had no idea museums would do that. I will check as the Nelson-Adkins Museum is here. Thank you
    moreotherstuff likes this.
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