Identifying MZ Czechoslovakia Maker's Mark

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by arguston, May 20, 2021.

  1. arguston

    arguston New Member

    I'm trying to ID this maker's mark. I know it's MZ Czechoslovakia (or Altrahlou), but what year? I've looked on this webpage:

    But none of the marks look exactly like this. The closest I can see is the 1922-1945 mark, but my mark doesn't have the dots before and after the word "Czechoslovakia." I've looked on, and that appears to be the same pattern, but my mark says MZ Czechoslovakia, not Altrahlou. So ... can anyone help me determine what this china is and when it was made?
  2. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    Moritz Zdekauer post-1945.
  3. arguston

    arguston New Member

    How can you tell? The post 1945 mark on has a different style of eagle.
  4. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

  5. arguston

    arguston New Member

  6. Twiztidhyena

    Twiztidhyena New Member

    I have the same China set MZ platinum St. Pole Czechoslovakian. No numbers. I can't find what era. But I have the whole set I assume serves 14.
  7. ddp1971

    ddp1971 New Member

    I have china with the same mark I got my set of china in Prague the summer of 92 maybe that will help you
    komokwa likes this.
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