Identification request.

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Chadmat, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. Chadmat

    Chadmat New Member

    I purchased a furnished home in Arizona, and this table/(buffet???) Was in the house.

    I can’t find any labels or anything anywhere on it. Any help identifying anything about it would be much appreciated. Not sure why my images are coming out sideways, they aren’t that way on my phone???

    Thank You


    Christmasjoy and komokwa like this.
  2. flipper

    flipper Striving to face adversity with tact and humor

  3. Vintage Shanxi Sideboard I believe
  4. actually not like this
  5. Chadmat

    Chadmat New Member

    Thank you, some of those look very similar. Looks like value on those are around $1900??? At least the one you linked to. Any idea if mine is in that neighborhood?
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