How old could this ring be

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Jeanny, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    IMG_9532.jpg IMG_9533.jpg IMG_9534.jpg IMG_9535.jpg IMG_9536.jpg IMG_9537.jpg IMG_9538.jpg IMG_9539.jpg IMG_9540.jpg IMG_9546.jpg Hello
    During a holiday in Umbria, (central Italy) in 2009, I bought an antique white gold ring, set with 1 Sapphire and 4 Brilliants,
    from a reliable jeweler. (Mauro Salvetti Di Paola Baldassarri E C. s.N.C.).

    I did not receive an original certificate, because the ring was once pawned.
    However, a manually written paper on which the ring was described as: gold ring with 1 sapphire and 4 diamonds.

    The ring is said to have been handcrafted according to the jeweler and referred to the setting of the stones. My question, is there an antiquity date to be set on this ring.

    Can someone please tell how old this ring could be. The jeweler could only say that he was very old and antique.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
    Any Jewelry and KSW like this.
  2. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    IMG_9546.jpg IMG_9546.jpg IMG_9548.jpg IMG_9549.jpg IMG_9550.jpg IMG_9552.jpg IMG_9555.jpg and more!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2020
    Any Jewelry and KSW like this.
  3. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Hello Jeanny, helpful if you can go back and edit your photos to "FULL IMAGE". Thanks!
  4. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    [​IMG]eh... perhaps you can click on the images
  5. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Just trying to help. :) Look at other posts here. Photos show in the text box, not everyone is willing to open and close every image.

    If you go back, edit, click all on "FULL IMAGE", you'll get more responses on your question. Thanks.
  6. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    Thanks Lucille.b
    KSW likes this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    i'm not used to seeing this .........

  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    from all the old rings we see here.....a drilled hole ...looks strange..
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  9. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    There are reasons for holes under the stones.But if that is a hanging sliver of metal it could slice the skin easily. Was the hole drilled from the inside or outside?
  10. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    Hello Hollyblue
    I dond't know wat the hole means in the ring. I bought this ring this way.
    Could the hole have nothing to do with the possible run-off of water?
    Could the ring have been wide open before like the picture below?

    Maby you can tell another reasons for holes under a stone.

  11. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    :) I also found this one.

  12. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    Here is another one with a hole in the center:)

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  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Lovely ring Jeanny. Although the mark is worn, so no detail can be seen, the shape of the mark indicates that the ring dates from 1935 or after.
    The hole is odd, but I have seen some odd things on pre-1960 Italian jewellery.;)
    It has nothing to do with excess water. The open details on the other rings you posted are different.:)
  14. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    PortableTreasures and KSW like this.
  15. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    Very interesting to know Hollyblue. I think I have to take it to a proffession juweler.
    I already took it at 2 local Jewelers, but i don't think they are able to tel me more about the stones etc.
    KSW likes this.
  16. Jeanny

    Jeanny Member

    Thank you Any Jewelry. ;)
    Any Jewelry and KSW like this.
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