Hiawatha Japan

Discussion in 'Silver' started by MyrtleBeach55, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. MyrtleBeach55

    MyrtleBeach55 Member

    Anyone know what this item would be called? Would it be the same as the "Hiawatha Silverware Plate" ? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks var 054.jpg var 057.jpg var 059.jpg var 061.jpg
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Here is the only other piece of "Hiawatha Plate" + "Made in Japan" that I could find and as you can see the design is just like yours, except that it has a handle.


    The problem with searching Hiawatha without Made in Japan is that you get a huge number of Etsy and EBay listings for the Memory pattern by Rogers and Brothers (issued in 1937) which apparently was marketed with the Hiawatha pattern name at some later time. None of my hardcopy references for silver plate patterns includes this pattern.


    That pattern does look like it would coordinate with the fruit pattern in the bowl. Not knowing the dimensions of you bowl, I can only guess at original use - fruit bowl?, console bowl?
    Fid, KikoBlueEyes and Christmasjoy like this.
  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Just found an interesting fact - That Memory-Hiawatha pattern from Rogers was only available in 1937 - it was both issued and discontinued that year, courtesy of Replacements. Hiawatha is not listed separately in their inventory. The name Memory was reused for a different design in 1952 but Hiawatha was not - at least not since an entirely different design was named Hiawatha in 1887.
  4. MyrtleBeach55

    MyrtleBeach55 Member

    Thanks for the information. It is a smaller item, should have included the dimensions. It is roughtly 5.5" x 4.5" x 1.5".
  5. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    To my eye, other than fruit as an element on both, see little resemblance in pattern between the MIJ bowl and the Rogers 'Memory' pattern (doubt it was discontinued in 1937, that's just the weird way Replacements notes the status of the pattern, oddly followed by the actual year of introduction). Also have doubts that the 'Memory' pattern was ever named 'Hiawatha', but that 'Memory' and the very similar 1938 'Festival' pattern were just marked and marketed under the 'Hiawatha Plate' label (there may be others since International trademarked the name for use on flatware in 1935).


    Despite the same name, the trademark itself is quite distinctive on the holloware pieces like the OP's, they seem to seem to always be silverplated brass, and believe it was more likely a giftware line without any connection to International Silver.

    Here's a cigarette box: https://www.etsy.com/listing/400338...verplate-hunting?show_sold_out_detail=1&frs=1


    A pair of small trays in original box (I have one of these somewhere): https://www.ebay.com/itm/HIAWATHA-S...533021?hash=item1a426c23dd:g:LxkAAOSwlAZab1vL


    Bakersgma likes this.
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