Hello, Looking for these possibly 50’s felt reindeer by Herman pecker, made in Japan. This is a guess based on google searches.
Hi Lurav! Welcome to Antiquers........... I don't know anything about the reindeer, but they sure are cute!
Holy cow! Are you sure that's the maker's name? I'm not going to look because I can just imagine what will show up. Those reindeer do look familiar though.
Here's one in eBay. I would say try searching there, where the last name would not be as much of an issue. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Re...Felt-Christmas-Decor-Japan-Made-/113782079169
Here is a Google search trick for everyone. If you put quotes around something, only search matches with those words in that exact order will show up. You can add words in the search beyond that, google won't care what order those words are in. So I just googled, "Herman Pecker" Japan reindeer. All I got was Herman Pecker reindeers. First thought on the OP's, they are absolutely fabulous, but almost wonder how vintage they are? They look so new, no wear --usually this type of thing from being in storage since the 60s would have slightly bent legs, fading, that kind of thing. I would expect a tag somewhere if they were 1960s. Kind of feel like they might be even 1990's or newer with a nod to the vintage ones from the 1950s/60s. But could also be something produced in another country that I'm not familiar with.
Here is one in a blog. The blog says, "vintage" but not sure the blogger knew much about them. Does seem to be the same style: http://evieshaus.blogspot.com/2014/03/ Also the blog mentions that they are 15" tall. If the OP's are 15" tall, another point that makes me think newer than 1960s -- all the Herman P. ones were more like 6" tall. But again could be from a company I'm not familiar with.
Thanks! Same maker but different style. The ones I’m looking for are taller and have the doe eyes with lashes
They might be newer, not sure. They were posted in a mid century modern group but no one knew the origins. I have been googling to find out more. May be newer?
The one on the blog (above) I linked seems the same, the owner guessed vintage. They definitely have a great look, but possible they are newer.
So you're looking for them? Are you sure they're by the same maker? I think they're better than those velveteen Japanese reindeer, though surprised they seem to have no labels; the wire legs, felt material, and overall quality reminds me of Annalee figures - sort of 'Annalee on acid', would suspect 1960s-'70s dating, but they could certainly be newer 'retro' pieces... Here's another design of similar construction (not as sexy), seller also suggests Italy for possible origin, but believe these could have been made in a number of places: ~Cheryl
That one is more in lines with the size of the 1960s versions at 7". But has sort of a similar general shape. It's the 15" of the OP's that is the stumper. Interesting this one above guesses "Italy" because I have to admit, Italy crossed my mind for the OP's. With older ones you'd expect a tag of some kind, unless of course was cut off.
Sold listing from eBay (click on see original listing): https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-VINTAGE-BIG-EYED-FELT-WIRE-CHRISTMAS-REINDEER-JAPAN-SEXY-REINDEER-/123999557536?hash=item1cdef317a0:g:u34AAOSwPpJd6CO2&nma=true&si=Dbw7b1YQ6dRhKrDpgkXJPGK8qRI%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557