Help on maker of 830 silver spoon and type

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Brywil1970, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Brywil1970

    Brywil1970 Well-Known Member

    Trying to ID the maker of this marked 830 SKUO spoon? Also can you tell me if it is a soup spoon or something else?
    TIA, Bryan

  2. Brywil1970

    Brywil1970 Well-Known Member

    BTW not sure if it is relevant but I purchased this spoon with another with a 13 1/4 cartuche which my research says is probably norwegian and .828 silver. I know that 830 is also used in Norway, but can't find a maker with this mark from there
  3. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    The mark is 830S

    The maker is KJO

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