Help identifying this book from 1704 (it seems?)

Discussion in 'Books' started by 80sCat, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. 80sCat

    80sCat Member

    Pictures here:

    Someone is selling this for 24€, could probably get it for less, I want to know if you know anything about the book. Is it really from 1704? That's what the first page says but it seems too well preserved. The guy says he found it while moving once. Google just tells me that the author was a French Jesuit from the 17th century.

    Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    80sCat, could you post the photos in this thread?
    @Ex Libris will probably be able to tell you more about the book.:)
    i need help and Ex Libris like this.
  3. 80sCat

    80sCat Member

    Sorry about that! Here they are.

    Attached Files:

  4. Ex Libris

    Ex Libris Well-Known Member

    At a first look, this book is a part of a series. (Troisieme Partie -Third part). I will have a look if I can find more.
    i need help and Any Jewelry like this.
  5. 80sCat

    80sCat Member

    Thanks a lot!
  6. Ex Libris

    Ex Libris Well-Known Member

    I haven's found your exact copy, but this series is reprinted several times.

    A similar copy is for sale here. I find the price very debatable ($52.11). Books like this are (unfortunately) not very sought after and thus not valuable. If you want to resell the book, I should not buy it. If you want to own a cool book that is 300+ years old, just buy it :).
  7. 80sCat

    80sCat Member

    Yeah I didn't think it would be very valuable, might get it and gift it to someone though. Thank you again! <3
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