Help ID Artist Monogram

Discussion in 'Art' started by Michelle M., Sep 26, 2024 at 7:53 PM.

  1. Michelle M.

    Michelle M. New Member

    Hi all, wondering if anyone recognizes this monogram or can help figure out who the artist is...Thank you! 20240918_033129-min.jpg 20240918_033129-min.jpg 1000009202 (1).jpg
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  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The scene looks very similar to this William Henry Nutter work 'Watermill by a river in Spate." As to monogram, I see HP but could well be wrong. Here's a list of British artists, if you want to take the time to browse Ps.

    And, by way, we always like to see a photograph of a work's back in addition to the front.


    mirana likes this.
  3. Michelle M.

    Michelle M. New Member

    Thank you, Debora. Interesting...I'll definitely check that out. There is a label on the back, but whatever info was on it didn't survive. The monogram may be 3 letters, not sure. Thanks again
    mirana likes this.
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