Help I.D. Chinese Watercolor by "PU JIE"

Discussion in 'Art' started by Beto, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Beto

    Beto New Member


    I have a watercolor piece stated to be by Pu Yi (Last Emperor)'s younger brother Pu Jie. Now my only clue is the attached paper found on the back of this frame. The actual content to the page leads me to believe its describing the actual artist who painted it and then pu jie signed. I cannot for the life of me find any other pieces like this besides example1. If anyone knowledgeable in Chinese signatures and seals could help me fill in the blanks. I have driven myself crazy trying to figure out this puzzle.




    Attached Files:

  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it would be nice if yours could fetch 17 grand.........but when I see photo copies of grand stories....I gotta wonder...

    Good luck...

    when 889 comes along ...he'll know more than I !
  3. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

    Well, it doesn't say it's by Pu Jie, it says it's by a younger relative of the Imperial family, Linghonghan. It also says he graduated in 1981, so he would have been born in the late 1950s or early 1960s. The photocopy shows a photo of him with Pu Jie, slightly oddly captioned.
    Beto, komokwa and judy like this.
  4. Beto

    Beto New Member

    Architrave I agree with you. I think this can all be settled with a translation of the seal and signature. Yet here's something else I found online:

    Same scenario. It also claims to be of pu jie. See image 8/8. The poster may be wrong to assume it is as well.
  5. khl889

    khl889 Well-Known Member

    Your painting is not by Pu Jie, who was quite an accomplished calligrapher.

    It's by another member of the large imperial clan, who rather shamelessly trades on his imperial connection and distant relationship to Pu Jie and more significantly, Pu Yi.

    Your painting is signed 洪漢 Honghan and the seal reads 寧洪漢 Ning Honghan. (Don't ask me where "Li" or "Lin" comes into the picture.)

    Ning Honghan 宁洪汉 (in simplified characters) seems to be a recognized artist in China, but not an artist of particular reknown. Note his formal name sometimes includes the Manchu imperial family name, 爱新觉罗 Aixinjueluo.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
    Beto likes this.
  6. Beto

    Beto New Member


    My sincere thanks for the knowledgeable information. You have solved my puzzle. I always like to know what I have.
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