Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by SUPERJUNK1970, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    Let me just start by admitting I'm not a historian or EGYPTIAN expert But I'm I firm believer that thinking outside or SOMEONE outside the box may see the answer to a problem in front of you.
    Just hear me out.
    The great pyramid was built with such precision, perfection in every step of construction that something about the kings weught releiving chambers WAS NOTED BUT for some reason ignored.
    There are 5 chambers with horizontal beams covering each level but the beams are not perfectly square or shaped to follow the construction level of accuracy that has been followed until this point.
    The bottom are perfectly flat but the others sides were left so it seems UNFINISHED. And shaped difrent.
    I just read that in every chamber the workers wrote INSCRIPTIONs on what they participated in. And was translated.. after I read translation it just hit me. Its not workers tagging or messaging.
    It's a riddle, another Sphinx riddle. That if SOLVED it will open an entrance towards newly discovered void adjacent to king chamber..
    There is numerology to the workers messages and none of the numbers go pass 10 just the number if Chevron beams on within the releiving chambers. Also not all chamber levels contain the same number of horizontal beams. Chambers 3 and 5 contain only 8 beams. All other contain 9. Why not 10 like Chevrons. Also the chevrons are double stack with too having a tight fit and bottom having a gap. I BELEIVE that the riddle is a guide that moves OR shuffles the horizontal beams into leaving a space where one of the BOTTOM chevrons will move to a vertical position thus revealing the entrance TO HIDDEN chamber. Sounds crazy but it explains why leaving HORIZONTAL beams UNFINISHED and why king chamber was empty and also why the DOUBLE chevrons ceiling .
    Here are translations and drawings of releiving chambers. kings chamber.jpg SmartSelect_20230917-055612_Chrome.jpg
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I find it improbable that the workmen could write.
    komokwa likes this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I don't see how this is a problem......
  4. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I don't think there are hidden mechanisms that will open secret doors. Are there photos of these notations?
    Bronwen likes this.
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    "THE EXCEPTIONAL RATE of literacy among the workmen at Deir el-Medina no doubt developed because the many skilled artisans needed an understanding of hieroglyphs for their job in the royal tombs."

    Halfway down this page under Importance of Education:
    Bronwen likes this.
  6. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how literacy is of consequence in this instance. The cited reference is of the Deir el-Medina village and the decoration of the tombs in the Valley of Kings. The Great Pyramid in unadorned, therefore not a tomb. However, assuming the workers in the pyramid were literate, graffiti is the probable answer as the source of the glyphs, besides, how do we know the supposed "void" is real? We have been told that climate change is man-made and we now know this is far from the truth.

    Attached Files:

    lvetterli likes this.
  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    It's not even necessary for workers to know how to read or write so long as someone else has made a mark and told them to copy it. I've also seen small marks and glyphs on European cathedrals that I took to be individual identifying marks left by workers who were doing piece work, to show where they started and where they finished.
  8. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Literacy aside, I don't think the meaning of the inscriptions can be deciphered without sound knowledge of the cultural and religious context.

    We may be able to think outside the box, but that could send us down countless unnecessary rabbit holes simply because we lack that knowledge.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    Bronwen and komokwa like this.
  9. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    I know that little actual facts are really known about construction of piramid but the things we do know is that they had knowledge and used it to create things with such perfection that ignoring the way each COLUMN and placement of every block in the supporting chambers in king chamber as errors or left unfinahed is just wrong . Some of messages were in columns turned sideways and not visible like the others. And why messages direct you to different chambers WITH different multiples even THOUGH same chamber was mentioned BEFORE ALSO with different multiple. I get it , whether the workers or SOMEONE else, why brag in DIFFERENT multiples and different chambers bypass the who, what can be applied to each chamber in the multiples MENTION and what could possibly result if done correctly.
    I strongly believe it's a riddle DESIGN to make sence of the only structure inside that seems to have been UNFINISHED and with childish construction plans .
    The way is built is out of place with everything else in or out of piramid.
  10. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    4 messages
    1. Horus found 1 x in chamber #3
    If we find horus in one of the HORIZONTAL columns in chamber #3
    What then?
    2. Horus found 7 x in chamber #4
    3. Khufu FOUND 1 x chamber #5
    4. White crown FOUND
    1 x in chamber #2
    1 x in chamber #3
    10 x in chamber #4
    2 x in chamber #5
  11. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    In message #2
    Horus is pure means
    The eye of horus.
  12. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    Why is Khufu not celebrated and commemorated as other Pharaohs of the past. Basically, he built the largest structure of his time, allegedly, yet there are no statues or other constructions built in his honor. His reign lasted for 26 to as many as 52 years, depending upon which cattle count is used, so why no stele or statues? The whole Giza Pyramid construction issue reeks of dead fish.
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