Featured Good Afternoon Everyon! Can You Please Help Me With This Hand blown Vase. Is This Murano? Thank You

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ezeepass, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope all is well. Ok I have a set of these vases that I got at an estate sale. I goggle image search found a few on line, but people are listing them as a Murano or Moser Salviati . The bottom had a 6, but I removed it because I thought is was an auction number when the old owner tried to auction it off. I hope that is what it was and I didn’t make a big mistake removing it. Anyways, your expert opinions are very much appreciated and I hope someone will be able give any information regarding this piece. Thank you so much
    22 (1).JPG 22 (2).JPG 22 (3).JPG 22 (4).JPG
  2. Rclinftl

    Rclinftl Well-Known Member

    close - it is Italian but Venetian not murano - Salviati decorated by Moser
  3. Rclinftl

    Rclinftl Well-Known Member

  4. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Thank You Rclinftl! I appreciate your help
    Potteryplease likes this.
  5. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Do you have any idea of the age? Thank you
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