Featured Good Afternoon! Can You Please Help Me With Any Information On This Red Glass Box? Thank you

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ezeepass, Oct 1, 2023.

  1. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Good Afternoon Everyone! I am wondering if you could give me some information on this box. It is Engraved with the images of the children and an adult angels with floral scrolls and then painted over in silver. It has three compartments and it is not signed. I am not sure if it was used to hold cigarettes or kept playing cards. I would also like to know if it is 19th or 20th century. Thank you in advance and I appreciate your help. 22 (1).JPG 22 (3).JPG 22 (2).JPG 22 (4).JPG
    stracci, aaroncab, johnnycb09 and 3 others like this.
  2. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Hi, your box is not engraved, that is etched. I don't know if that helps but maybe you can search here for "etch and angel". Remember to include the "and" in multiword searches, the default for this site is "or".
  3. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
  4. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Thank you Marie!
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  5. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    kyratango, johnnycb09 and TallCakes like this.
  6. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    This is very helpful. Thank you both so much!
    TallCakes likes this.
  7. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    That is gorgeous !
    ezeepass likes this.
  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Yes, it is lovely!
    ezeepass likes this.
  9. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Thank you john
  10. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if this box is a lotus box. because I found something with the link below. they didn't make glass but they would by the glass and add their own designs. Please let me know what you think. thank you
    https://www.ndga.net/advertising/ad...ut Glass Company,sometime in the middle 1920s.
    bercrystal likes this.
  11. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    Lotus did market their products without noting credit to the glass makers. They purchased in bulk and added various decorations and marketed as Lotus Glass. The link you provided is showing the Lotus etch #1041 'Vesta', which like the 'Springtime' etch was used on glass by various makers. Depends on your market as to how you want to sell. It would be okay to list only as Lotus Glass. Many folks also like to know the company that produced the glass; noting that the blank for this cigarette box was manufactured by Westmoreland Glass would be appreciated by many.

    BTW, you'll find instances at NDGA where credit is given to the glass maker with minor notes as to decorators such as Lotus...

    also, looking at Replacements.com you'll see they often list by the Lotus etch name under Glastonbury-Lotus and sometime note the maker's pattern number of the glass. As well as sometime "R" will list items by various glass makers and note the etch numbers of various decorators.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
  12. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    I was leaning more towards New Martinsville. the pattern seems to be more on their plates that I have seen so far than on others. I was also thinking Westmoreland, but I'll keep searching. Thank you so much TallCakes for your help.
  13. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    the glass is from Westmoreland's #1800 line as noted in the link above
    Figtree3, bercrystal and ezeepass like this.
  14. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    Got it Thank you!
    TallCakes likes this.
  15. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    still curious : )
    felt the need/desire to discover more...
    looking at the Lotus catalog page of their 1041-Vesta etch, which shows your box, also shows a Cambridge 3400 ball jug with a patent date of 1931, which get us closer to date. The catalog page also shows Heisey's 1401-Empress sugar & creamer, as well as celery; introduced in 1930. The same Lotus etch can be found on Imperial Glass 588-Pie Crust; introduced mid 1920s.

    Hope this isn't confusing. It's okay to simply list as Lotus along with the etch name if desired, as there may be collectors of the etch pattern. I would not include the Glastonbury name as does Replacements.com, as the date Lotus acquired Glastonbury Inc. in 1960 postdates these items.
    Figtree3 and ezeepass like this.
  16. ezeepass

    ezeepass Well-Known Member

    A little, but I will figure out all you wrote above. I sincerely appreciate you going out of your way to help me with this. I have more glasses to post for help soon. I ended up with a large box of glasswares from mid 20th century back to 19 century. So I will need your help there too lol. Thank you again for everything.
    TallCakes likes this.
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