Georgian Slop Bowl, Can you identify the painter?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by ValerieK, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    This is a rather battered slop bowl which I've had for a long time. I still haven't been able to identify the maker. I posted it on a specialist British ceramics forum and was hellpfully told that it was probably either Worcester or a Liverpool factory, both of which did slop bowls of this shape, and the loop and dot border, but further research hasn't revealed to me the exact maker. I think that the rather quirky elements of the painted floral design may provide a clue, but I haven't been able to find any one of them on any other object. The most distinctive is the crazy ladybird, with 8 zigzag legs and pincer-like antennae. Then there are the flowers with tongue-like protuberances which remind me of "Alien", the leaves which look like strings of green sausages, and a rose like a bloodshot eyeball. Sounds awful but is actually quite fun, I just wish I could identify the painter and therefore the maker. Can anyone help? ladybird - 1.jpg ladybird - 3.jpg ladybird - 2.jpg ladybird - 4.jpg ladybird - 5.jpg
  2. John Brassey

    John Brassey Well-Known Member

    I saw your post in the other forum. If they couldn’t solve it , you are really going to struggle. They are so knowledgeable.
    ulilwitch likes this.
  3. ValerieK

    ValerieK Well-Known Member

    I realise that, but someone doesn't need to be an expert to come across an item or a photo of something with the same odd characteristics of this painter, which might put me on the right track. I'm guessing that the painter didn't do many pieces, I've consulted every book I can find with Worcester and Liverpool porcelainin vain, but they look quite professional. I know it may be a lost cause, but please watch this thread, so if it is years from now, you might still be able to help! I can't help suspecting that it isn't actually Worcester or Liverpool but a contemporary copycat factory, with a low production.
    moreotherstuff and John Brassey like this.
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