Gas station Items

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Desertau, Jun 27, 2024 at 9:35 AM.

  1. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    A couple of other things I saved from the depression era gas station in Petaluma, CA.

    this is called the piston ring girl, a promotional item from a company that made piston rings.

    And this from Trico windshield wipers.
    IMG_2024-06-27-052648.jpeg 5am in Vegas already 87 *f
    lovewrens, trip98, johnnycb09 and 4 others like this.
  2. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    trip98, johnnycb09, komokwa and 3 others like this.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    They both appear to be in very good condition.

  4. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    sabre123, trip98, johnnycb09 and 2 others like this.
  5. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Desertau-How may I ask did you end up in Petaluma ? I was raised in Santa Rosa and know 'The Egg Capital of the World' well.
    PET 1.jpg PET 2.jpg
  6. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Santa Rosa was a wonderful place to grow up im sure, do you still live in the area?

    My family on moms side immigrated from Ireland in the 1840s and settled up along the coast near Tomales, where they operated a small dairy ranch, my grandmothers cousin had a ranch on what is now the pt Rey’s national sea shore, the dairy is still there and the beach is named after the cousins, Kehoe Beach.

    glass floats from the beach, I had a spectacular large cobalt blue one that unfortunately broke when the dog knocked off its stand.

    later in life my grandparents moved to Inverness, We visited the old dairy once when I was around 5 and my mom took the front door knob off what was left of the old house my grandfather was born in. Family lived in different parts of the area, one uncle in Petaluma had the gas station. We visited that part of the country often.

    the old door knob
    Marote and komokwa like this.
  7. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Would that have been Perfect Circle?
  8. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    I don’t know for certain I think I’ve seen perfect circle associated, but this seems to be connected to this item more often.
  9. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    Seems to be a fair amount of hits on the ornament ashtray for Harry Davies Moulding Co, Chicago "980 Statuette" See some examples->
    Marote and Desertau like this.
  10. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    If I had to guess and I do, I think the Harry Davis moulding company manufactured these for Sealed Power.

    other products
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024 at 3:08 PM
    Marote, wlwhittier and sabre123 like this.
  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Desertau-Good lord,we're almost related ! My mom's family were the O'Neils from Tomales.They were of course Irish dairy workers.
    Half the O'Neils stayed in Humboldt County (nr Eureka),the other half went to Tomales.
    We used to go to Marshall,Point Reyes,Bolinas -what an absurdly beautiful place to grow up.Hell,even Santa Rosa was quaint back then.Old town Petaluma still is.
    PS-Do I wish the ancestors would've bought coastal property in Marin County,maybe.I wish I could ask the me that lives in that parallel universe what it's like.
    Desertau likes this.
  12. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    ya, I loved going up there the air is sweet, the fog would roll in every night enveloping everything in a cool white blanket.

    In the end you were better off not getting that property on the coast, when the national sea shore was formed all that property was seized for pennies under emanate domaine, the cousins don’t own the land they are allowed to lease it back from the government to live there and run the dairy and under strict land rules. That was a prime treasure hunting area too, although it never was but being directly adjacent to drakes bay and a number of Spanish ship recks and the tides washed everything up on that beach it could have been epic. Trouble is now if you were caught treasure hunting the fines are enormous and would include jail time.

    no doubt our families knew each other, my grandparents home later was up top of the hill in Inverness the house sat on about 6 acres overlooking the bay the 5 acres below were planted in holly.

    you are spot on all those small towns were a delightful and everyone new everyone.

    I’m living pretty far from there now but maybe someday if I’m up there or you find yourself making a run to Vegas we should compare notes over a refreshing beverage.
  13. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    That'd be a quick,it's a beautiful magic place.
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