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Fuji Porcelain Mark - Need Help

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Bill Giles, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. Bill Giles

    Bill Giles Member

    tn_IMG_20201220_155339288.jpg tn_IMG_20201220_155324080.jpg I recently picked up 3 beautiful small Japanese porcelain plates which all have a Fuji porcelain mark on the back of all 3 plates. After investigation, I have been unable to find this specific mark, but several similar ones but without the actual wording. They look to be hand painted as all have minor differences in the pattern.

    Would appreciate any assistance in dating these plates.

    Thanks tn_IMG_20201220_155304167.jpg tn_IMG_20201220_155316578.jpg

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2020
  2. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Antique Discussion is fine, but you may get more responses in PG&P, so I’ve moved thread. :)
    komokwa likes this.
  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    There are some "similar" marks (with the sketch of Mount Fuji and the stream) in the "Nichi Hon" section at Gotheborg, but unidentified as to maker and none with the word FUJI. Number 246 is the closest, but it also says that it very similiar to Fukagawa, which is a separate region.

    Because there is no Japan or Made in Japan mark, it's likely pre-1921 when US import rules required county of origin marking.
    i need help likes this.
  4. Bill Giles

    Bill Giles Member

    Thank you very much for your informative response. At least, it gives me some idea of its origin and age. Thanks again
  5. sunday silence

    sunday silence Well-Known Member

    This sort of stylized mark, with the deliberate addition of the word "Fuji" which is well known mark (but as a symbol, not written) strikes me as modern.
  6. Bill Giles

    Bill Giles Member

    Thank you for another insight. I am a little surprised to be honest that the mark is not more well know.
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