For Salt? Maker, Pattern?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Sarajayne, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. Sarajayne

    Sarajayne Well-Known Member

    BellflowerSalt.jpg BellflowerSalt2.jpg I'm saying this is for salt but not certain. It is so crystal clear it must have been made by a very good glass company. It stands 2 3/4" tall and 2 1/4 inches across.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    This master salt looks like one of Boston & Sandwich Glass ribbed patterns. If?? it is by B&S it would probably be flint glass and date from the mid 1800s. At the moment can only spot their "Ribbed Ivy" master salt. Haven't time to look further at the moment. If someone hasn't definitely IDed it later tonight, I'll look further.

    The following EAPG website page has a pic of B&S "Bellflower" or "Ribbed Bellflower." You see the similarities.

    3rd row down:

    --- Susan
    Figtree3 and quirkygirl like this.
  3. Sarajayne

    Sarajayne Well-Known Member

    Thank you Ladybranch! I went to your link and that one is just like mine!
  4. quirkygirl

    quirkygirl likes pretty old things

    I second Susan's ID as "Bellflower". I have also heard it referred to as "Ribbed Leaf". While trying to research my one and only piece in this pattern I was unable to figure out which company for certain produced it as there were several that made this pattern and its variants. Mostly Boston & Sandwich or McKee & Bros. were the main two named companies ...
    Maybe Tallcakes knows more. Oddly, Google returned these images (one of which, looks just like yours above) ... and some of the comments were made by Tallcakes himself!

    Bellflower Salt Dip, Boston & Sandwich Flint Glass, 1860's

    Posted 2 years ago


    (293 items)

    I believe the reason I started collecting Antiques long ago is because it's amazing to me how something so fragile can last so many years. This piece has no cracks and not one tiny flea bite anywhere.

    1. [​IMG]TallCakes, 2 years ago
      very nice: )
    2. [​IMG]FanciGirl, 2 years ago
      TallCakes, you have one of these also?
    3. [​IMG]TallCakes, 2 years ago
      don't have any bellflower pattern or salts of any pattern. this is a nice looking pattern : )
    Figtree3 and Ladybranch like this.
  5. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    apparently that CW 'FanciGirl' account has now been deleted...
    EAPGpatterns has the Bellflower pattern listed as McKee Bros. c1860s
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
    Figtree3 and Ladybranch like this.
  6. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    I'm back. Delighted to see that Quicky and TallCakes have chimed in. Gee, how can we tell if a "Bellflower" is by B&S or McKee. Barlow & Kaiser's The Glass Industry in Sandwich, Vol. 1, has Sandwich's ribbed patterns of "Ribbed Acorn," "Ribbed Bellflower" AKA Bellflower, "Ribbed Grape," "Ribbed Ivy," "Ribbed Palm" and "Reeded" AKA "Fine RIb." The pic of "Bellflower" is on a goblet. Here is what they say about the "Bellflower" pattern;

    p. 176, #1213
    "Pressed Bellflower (R.L.) Goblet
    "6 1/4" H. x 3 1/4" Dia. 1855-1875
    "A bell-shaped, tulip-like blossom on a continuous undulating vine is called Bellflower by collectors. McKee and Brothers listed the pattern as "R.L.", thought to be an abbreviation for Ribbed Leaf, but the terminology of that time suggests that "R.L." stood for Reeded and Leaf. Three elements appear on the vine: the bellflower, a single leaf and a group of three berries resembling a three leaf clover. There are many variations in pattern, form and mold design. Vertical ribs can be spaced closely together, in which case the article called 'fine rib'. A heavier, wider rib is known as 'coarse rib'. On some variants, two undulating vines intertwine, but this 'double vine' cannot be documented as a Sandwich product. All fragments dug at the Boston and Sandwich Glass Company site have only a single vine. Because Bellflower was manufactured during the time that glass factories were converting from flint to litharge and non-flint formulas, quality varies tremendously. Reproductions abound, many produced in clear and color by the Imperial Glass Company for The Metropolitan Museum of Art."

    I can't tell if your salt has a single or "two undulating vines." According to the above, the "'double vine' cannot be documented as a Sandwich product."

    Wonder how to the tell the difference between B&S & McKee Bellflower. Like TallCakes said, eapgpatterns credits McKee with the Bellflower patterns of:
    Bellflower - Coarse Rib
    Bellflower - Double Vine
    Bellflower - Fine Rib (Beaded Rim)
    Bellflower - Fine Rib (Plain Rim)
    Bellflower - Fine Rib (Wide Rim)
    Bellflower - Fine Rib Banded
    as well as
    Ribbed Palm
    They credit B&S only with ribbed patterns of Ribbed Grape, Ribbed Ivy and Ribbed Loop.

    --- Susan

    Edited: Just a quick note to lurkers, please remember the state of Mississippi as well as most of the SE tonight and tomorrow morning. Tornadoes warnings all across the southern half of the state stretching from LA, AR through MS over to AL and GA. I am in the top NE corner of MS. It all is predicted to move up to us by daybreak. Hopefully the line will run out of steam by the time it reaches us. 4 were killed in Hattiesburg, MS by a tornado last night. I'm am going offline now for the rest of the night.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
    quirkygirl likes this.
  7. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    EAPGpatterns has a half dozen or so bellflower patterns, coarse rib, fine rib and double vine; all noted as McKee with a note that other companies also made Bellflower patterns. The double vine looks like two undulating sine waves that are out of sync and crossing.
    Ladybranch and quirkygirl like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    stay safe Lady !!
  9. Sarajayne

    Sarajayne Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your help!
    Tallcakes, I knew the CW things were gone, tried to go there yesterday, nothing there.

    Prayers for ones in the storms.
  10. Sarajayne

    Sarajayne Well-Known Member

    I really think those are my pics!!

    DUH, forgot my sister probably posted them.
  11. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    Thanx for remembering us. No tornado activity reached us. There were a few tornado touchdowns in LA, along the southern half of the MS, across AL and into GA. DOn't believe there was any massive damage here in MS last night; however, 2 were killed in GA last night. The dangerous conditions have now moved east and are really threatening GA, SC and maybe the northern tier of FL. We did have quite a lot of rain and will have more today.

    --- Susan
    Figtree3 likes this.
  12. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Continued Safety for all those in Weather-harm's Way!!!!!
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