Fishing line tin

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by prestoncohunter, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. prestoncohunter

    prestoncohunter Well-Known Member

    Ok here is one that really has me stumped. I doubt it is truly an antique but is vintage. A metal (believe tin) fishing line container. I haven't been able to find the company or another like it in my search's online. The spool of line that would have shipped in it is gone and it had been filled with fire starting materials and some stick matches.

    Any information welcomed.

    i need help likes this.
  2. Dawnno

    Dawnno Well-Known Member
    Tight Lines Tuesday Ultra Casting; The fancy cursive script font of the ULTRA CASTING brand is from the first quarter of the 20th century and is both distinctive and a highly sought after brand name by collectors of antique fishing tackle. The ULTRA CASTING brand was introduced about 1908 by the Shapleigh Hardware Company (known at the time as Norvell – Shapleigh) of St. Louis Missouri which traces it beginnings to 1843 when its founder Augustus F. Shapleigh established the firm.

    The ULTRA CASTING brand name was used for fishing tackle such as a wooden minnow fishing lure that was packaged in a wooden slide top box. It was also used for a pair of wooden spools of a high quality pure silk casting line that were packaged in an aluminum canister, and it was also used for a very high quality nickel silver Kentucky style reel that was custom manufactured by the Montague Rod and Reel Company specifically for Shapleigh Hardware.

  3. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    ACDFB862-A58E-407C-91A3-B7B9E942951F.jpeg @Dawnno, You get the Flaming Guitar Award, because you ROCK! :)
    komokwa and Dawnno like this.
  4. Dawnno

    Dawnno Well-Known Member

    haha! I just got here first.
  5. prestoncohunter

    prestoncohunter Well-Known Member

    Wow great info, thx.
    komokwa likes this.
  6. prestoncohunter

    prestoncohunter Well-Known Member

    I was trying to find it thru the Diamond Manufacturing and not the Ultra Casting.
    Dawnno likes this.
  7. Dawnno

    Dawnno Well-Known Member

    yep. I was surprised when something revealed that that was just a 'brand' and owned by others. "Shapleigh" was the key to the puzzle.
    komokwa likes this.
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