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Fein Zinn BMF help

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by ulilwitch, Nov 16, 2019.

  1. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    pewter2.png pewter1.png pewter3.png I picked these two items up at a moving sale today. Last day 50% off. I only paid $4.00 for both. Little pewter 5" mini somethings This is what I found today. They are marked Fein Zinn BMF with picture of angel with wand on one side and scale on the other. BMF Bavarian Hardhware Factory in Nuremberg opened in 1902 by two friends, Hans Wagner and Willy Gundel. It was sold in 1991. Here is my problem. I find nothing like these two cuties anywhere. All I find are steins and plates so I have no idea when there were made or what they are worth. They do need some cleaning but are very nice. Anyone know anything about them?
    judy likes this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    judy and ulilwitch like this.
  3. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    judy likes this.
  4. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    I do not believe that this BMF stuff has anything to do with the
    Bayerischen Metallwarenfabrik or the museum thereof.
    Nürnberg is a hotspot for fake pewter stuff. as soon as you fell out of the train and left the station you have an old expo village inside the old city wall where you can buy fake WMF etc..
    this BMF stuff only shows up on ebay and local platforms, never in serious auction houses. it's probably one of these after 1945 brands like Frieling that have no value.
    ulilwitch and judy like this.
  5. ulilwitch

    ulilwitch Well-Known Member

    Thank you
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