Estate Find Strandberg Painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by kraftblue, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    This is small, 10" x 8". Signed Strandberg with a first initial. Hoping someone can help.

    paint1.JPG paint2.JPG paint3.JPG
    kyratango likes this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  3. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Thanks Deb!
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Apparently, he was a real person.

    "Born Johan Edmund Strandberg to Richard Gustaf Karlsson Strandberg and Ingrid Johansson in Br�nnkyrka, he began painting when he was still a child. He received his master's degree in Cabinet Making in 1930. After the war, he studied with European artists in Stockholm, before immigrating to Toronto, Canada, in 1951. In Canada, he anglicized his name from "Johan" to "John", a common practice among immigrants. He joins The Art Guild of York-Scarborough and studies under artists like Thomas Frederick Haig Chatfield [5](1921-1999) and Arnold Benjamin Hodgkins[6] (1911-1989) John Strandberg is a plein air landscape painter who paints in oils, using a palette knife of his own design. His inspiration is the Canadian landscape. He has, however, done some florals and the occasional portrait. Strandberg toured Canada, the United States and Europe on solo exhibitions, as well as participating in several art exhibitions, such as The World of Arts and Crafts, United Artists, The Artists Touring Association.;[9] even living in the USA for a few years. Stranberg's paintings can be found in several institutional collections, such as the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, art galleries, banks, insurance companies, trust companies, as well as in private collections."

    Christmasjoy likes this.
  5. kraftblue

    kraftblue Well-Known Member

    Wow, great info! Thank you!
    Christmasjoy likes this.
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