Damaged/ possible mis strike coins help please?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by MissMessyE, Oct 15, 2022.

  1. MissMessyE

    MissMessyE New Member

    Hello everyone! I've had wonderful help here in the past from very nice and knowledgeable people with information about other interesting old items. I am hoping someone can assist me with my new (and probably continuing) questions about coins. I am helping a non-computer using friend clear out his house, and we would like to know if anyone would be kind enough to share their smarts about these coins. (I have tried to sign up to the Coin Talk site to no avail, and I have read the troubleshooting thread re: sign up difficulty issues but still have had no success even after multiple attempts with new email addresses and the like. Oh drat!)
    It looks like (to my untrained eye, I am a coin newbie!) that these may or may not have just been damaged by being smooshed or otherwise banged up by someone just bashing them around, but maybe there is a mis strike or other manufacturing error in the bunch? Apologies for not knowing the proper terminology. Any guidance you can give would be very much appreciated! Thank you very much!

    Attached Files:

  2. Rob Langdon

    Rob Langdon Well-Known Member

    Because they are all curled, I think they are all post-mint damage.
    Woutinc and Roaring20s like this.
  3. MissMessyE

    MissMessyE New Member

    Thank you very much Rob! I appreciate your knowledge!
    Rob Langdon likes this.
  4. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    To my completely inexpert eye, these look deliberately mangled by someone playing around with hitting, cutting & punching them in different ways.
    Born2it and komokwa like this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    a mis strike wil not bend and mangle the coin
    Bronwen likes this.
  6. MissMessyE

    MissMessyE New Member

    Thank you Bronwen!
  7. MissMessyE

    MissMessyE New Member

    Thank you very much, I appreciate your expertise!
  8. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    Some of them look like they may have been put on train tracks.
    MissMessyE likes this.
  9. Woutinc

    Woutinc .wordpress.com

    I don't think a train. Those look different. Streched. These don't.

    One looks like a nut was pressed in it. And another one as if a the thread of a bolt is pressed in.
    The nut seems the same size as the bolt thread. M5? M6? :D

    Someone tested/played/fooled around with a high pressure press or something.

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
    komokwa, MissMessyE and Born2it like this.
  10. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    Agree completely about the bolt, and most of them (in my uneducated opinion) do indeed look like someone was playing with a high pressure press or something. But interesting things happen to coins on railroad tracks when they don’t flatten perfectly. For instance - hypothetically speaking of course ;) - if a coin is placed in a gap in the tracks, or stacked on another coin, or placed poorly. I used to have a penny that got bent and a bit ripped off.
    Woutinc and MissMessyE like this.
  11. Woutinc

    Woutinc .wordpress.com

    They might not flatten perfectly, but they always streched in the length somehow, no matter how. And that's easy to recognize. That's done by the direction of the huge forces.
    And i don't see any of that on these. I see straight force, and clearly a nut and thread.

    But no discussion needed. If one wants it to be done by a train that's fineby me. I just react with what i think i see and respect other possible options. No hard feelings :D

    Could be a (school?) learning test lot. Difference between hardness of metals, reacting at each other. What if same silver coins are pressed together? (coin impression in mirror ;) ) What if a steel nut in softer zilver? Steel thread in silver ...
    Who didn't do such like tests at a technical practice lesson!? I did, more then once :D
    Even got me an impossible coin with tails both sides, no head ;)
    Could also be a simple quick 'new high pressure press in the factory' testing done by the operator "works great Boss!". Who will tell...
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
    Born2it likes this.
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