Compote bowl

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Tanya, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. Tanya

    Tanya Well-Known Member

    I think I recently saw something similar at the Wheaton Glass Museum labeled as a compote bowl. I remember it because it surprised me that they would serve compote in such a tiny dish - unless compote had some other meaning then that I’m not aware of? Unfortunately I don’t remember a date on that bowl.

    I was just curious your thoughts on this. It has a lot of bubbles which I tried to photograph by the light. You can see some. It doesn’t seem to be pressed glass, to my non-expert eye :) Thoughts on age?

    I found it at a yard sale by the side of the road in Maine (paid an entire $1 :) There was also some lovely transfer ware that I bought (also $1) but trying to post slowly over the next few weeks so I don’t clog up the boards! :) :)

    Many thanks!
  2. Tanya

    Tanya Well-Known Member

    One additional photo showing imperfections from when it was made.

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