Colorized Print of Painting by Mattbeius Merian called "Konigsburg"

Discussion in 'Art' started by Doug Ketcher, Jun 28, 2024 at 3:43 PM.

  1. Doug Ketcher

    Doug Ketcher Well-Known Member

    Recently purchased a nice artwork at an estate sale that I was hoping someone might know something about. It appears to be a print of a 1620 painting by Mattbeius Merian and is called "Konigsburg" (which appears to show the skyline of that ancient city. The colorized print is 26 inches x 13.5 inches. I know it's not the earlier artwork from the 17th century, but it appears quite old and I am not sure when or by whom it was made. Have looked online and found similar artworks, just unsure that the ones I have found are exactly like mine. Thanks! Prints of 1620 Paintings by Mattbeius Merian - Konigsburg (26x13.5) - 1.jpg Prints of 1620 Paintings by Mattbeius Merian - Konigsburg (26x13.5) - 5.jpeg
  2. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Maybe the mat is hiding more info. I'd take it out of the frame to investigate further. The mat is probably not acid-free and you'd want to replace it anyway.
    Doug Ketcher likes this.
  3. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

  4. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    There's a Mattbeius Merian the Elder, and Mattbeius Merian the Younger. Maybe his son is the engraver?
    Doug Ketcher likes this.
  5. Doug Ketcher

    Doug Ketcher Well-Known Member

    Thanks Virginia, I will take a look... :)
  6. Doug Ketcher

    Doug Ketcher Well-Known Member

  7. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It looks like a facsimile of some sort of an engraving originally published by Matthäus Merian the Elder. Matthäus Merian was an engraver and publisher.
    There are many of these facsimiles or later prints.

    Btw, his name is Matthäus Merian, with an 'h', not a 'b'. Matthäus = Matthew.
    The name of the city is Königsberg, with an 'e', not Königsburg with a 'u'. Königsberg is currently known as Kaliningrad.

    Königsburg is a castle ruin.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 2:17 PM
    Doug Ketcher likes this.
  8. Doug Ketcher

    Doug Ketcher Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I knew it was a later work copied from the original. I was just wondering how much later.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
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