Check a possible lettering or symbols of sorts

Discussion in 'Art' started by TT Antique, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. TT Antique

    TT Antique Well-Known Member

    I hope you may have seen this bizzare news about the controversy surrounding a painting purported to be the work of Peter Doig which the artist denies...
    But my interest is on the strange lettering camouflaged as part of the landscape.. Can you see it also or am I making things up?Check on the right of the cactus and below the red boulder..

  2. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I think it's coincidental. People do like to see patterns in things.

    It can happen in nature, like the runes depicted at Runamo häll depicted in this print:

    Hundreds of years of questioning whether they were runes, with a general agreement reached they they were only cracks and weathering in the rock.
    TT Antique and all_fakes like this.
  3. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    I can see what you are referring to; I can see it as either disguised lettering, or just a part of the rocks that happens to look like disguised lettering.
    I can also see a "face" in the cliff above the largest red rock.
    TT Antique likes this.
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