Hi, I found a NOS vintage Champion products wall mount wafer board of 4 old cars. Its still in cellophane. Its dimensions are 11" x 14" x 1/2". I could not find this in my research and hoped someone might know more about it and price range? Thank you. Regards, rknarr2
Images like those on your plaque were sort of popular in the mid-1960's. (They appeared on household stuff like drinking glasses, coasters, etc. I recall that my grandfather had a few things with images of that type.) I'm sorry, but I don't think your plaque would have much value today. It was mass produced, and the images aren't in much demand these days. This set sold in January, albeit with a different theme: https://www.ebay.com/itm/TWO-Vintage-Champion-Products-Decorator-FARM-SCENES-Wall-Plaques-NEW-in-Plastic-/283325190218?hash=item41f77f504a:g:jloAAOSw5cNYemx0&nma=true&si=%2FxizydGs51WYaVzLt6ZsyQBiXRE%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557