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Cast iron metal candle lamp – electric or gas

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Abegweit, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member


    Picked this cast iron candle lamp up recently for something to do. I took 4 different color layers off of it and put wax metallic finish on it.

    In the pictures you will see a hole that goes up through the leaves and another one in one of the rose petals that lines up with the first. The thing is the hole is much smaller than and electrical wire I’ve worked with so I was wondering if it was even electric. The last 2 pictures are of the piece that was in the middle of rose. I thought it was for mounting a light socket. You probably can’t see but at the base of this it is crimped; again, I don’t think a modern lamp cord would go through this opening.

    I know the piece has no real value, I’m just curious if anyone has any experience with a similar piece and could verify whether it was an electric or possibly gas lamp.

    I plan to re purpose into an "electric" candle lamp.

    Any feedback would be appreciated. - Thanks

    Candle lamp 1.JPG
    Candle lamp 2.JPG
    Candle lamp 3.JPG
    Candle lamp 4.JPG
  2. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    That seems to be tough one.
    The parts look old enough to be gas but I'm sure this could be converted fairly easily.
  3. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I would think gas,Im wondering if its some sort of cigar lighter ?
    KingofThings likes this.
  4. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member

    Thanks for the feedback. I think instead of reaming the existing holes to accommodate an electric cord, I'll opt for an outside arrangement when I install a candle light socket. I don't want to risk a short. The few images I've found like this that were indeed gas show a built in valve / switch / regulator. If this was gas it must have had an external control. Winter research project. Thanks again for your thoughts.
  5. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Regarding the gas regulator...........we once owned a monstrosity of a ceramic table lamp with two brass arms terminating in fixtures fitted for gas...........there was a long rubber hose that connected to the gas wall fixture - and the valve on that fixture regulated the gas for the lamp

    to better illustrate, think about plugging an electric lamp with no on/off switch into a wall outlet controlled with a wall switch.
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