Featured Carved Stone Pendant Help Please

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by cxgirl, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Hi All,
    I've been trying to figure out what this pendant is made from. I know zip about different stones so I've been looking on-line and wondering if this could be Jasper with red veins? It is cold and I can't scratch the surface (bottom) with my nail.
    any information appreciated
    thanks for looking:)
    DSCF8389.jpeg DSCF8387.jpeg DSCF8390.jpeg
  2. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    Gee wiz, that's an interesting one

    I'm stumped !!
    LauraGarnet02, cxgirl and i need help like this.
  3. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Heat cracked and dyed carnelian,trade names... crackeled carnelian,crackeled fire agate,etc.
  4. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Cute little guy, :happy:

    What is your new Avatar, @cxgirl?
    LauraGarnet02 and cxgirl like this.
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The style of carving looks Chinese.
  6. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    thanks for the replies folks:)

    me too Charlie:)

    thanks Holly, off to look up Carnelian:)

    thanks AJ:)

    a neon green gladiolus I have growing, the colour is fantastic:)
  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I can't shake the impression that this is molded.
    cxgirl likes this.
  8. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    I'm confused, if molded, this wouldn't be carnelian then?
    Bronwen likes this.
  9. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Is your gemstone tester dead again?
    Bronwen likes this.
  10. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    I've seen this stone before in Chinese carvings, and do think it is stone rather than molded, but hard to be 100% sure without having it in hand. Might be a kind of carnelian, but there may be a more specific name.
    cxgirl and Bronwen like this.
  11. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't be carnelian/cornelian if I'm right about its being molded. But I am far from certain. It's the way it looks in places like the space between the foreleg & the head that bothers me:


    The sharper places could be finishing touches applied by hand.

    You mention it is cold to the touch. How is the weight? The Goldilocks question: for its size, does the weight seem heavy, light or just right?

    To my eye it looks more like pressed amber than anything else. However, if I had it in hand my opinion could be very different.
    cxgirl likes this.
  12. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

  13. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    I've never had a tester
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
    Bronwen likes this.
  14. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    it weighs 24 grams, wouldn't be heavy to wear around your neck. When I first picked it up, I thought is was glass, very smooth to the touch. Looking closer, I realized it was stone of some sort:)
  15. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    maybe these photos will help Bronwen:) I'm guessing they would polish this to round out the edges?
    DSCF8439.jpeg DSCF8441.jpeg DSCF8443.jpeg
    Bronwen likes this.
  16. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I've seen this stone before. No idea what it's meant to resemble or the proper name, but it almost has to be Chinese. Cute little sucker. Run some black cord through his bail hole and wear him.
    reader, cxgirl, Bronwen and 1 other person like this.
  17. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Do you have a UV light? Just curious how Mr. Squirrel would look with different lighting.
    cxgirl likes this.
  18. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    here you go Bronwen:)
    Bronwen likes this.
  19. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what it is and will usually go by Hollyblue on stone ID but I keep thinking about some kind of treated copal.
    cxgirl and Bronwen like this.
  20. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Know this was tricky to photograph. Does it capture what your eye sees? And am I seeing it correctly, that the squirrel does not reflect back the purple light, instead absorbing it, so the color looks the same as in full spectrum light?
    cxgirl likes this.
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