C. Jere mirrors

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by cfh, May 6, 2023.

  1. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    CD02C2D2-E89B-4258-9F99-DC47F2412497.jpeg F1CC89D9-E9CF-454E-82AB-8691951DF376.jpeg 6F1B6088-6A14-43CC-809E-7AEA8572AFE5.jpeg CFF8BD8C-C562-4F0A-B1EB-94B3632350C9.jpeg I bought this mirror at an estate sale yesterday. Actually there are three of them. They are all in the same condition. They are extremely rusty. Y’all were so helpful with the tarnish that I thought I would ask about rust. I have been reading back posts so I know I should get some naval jelly. Will that hurt the mirror? Should I steel wool before the jelly? Should I use the jelly on the back side of the “brass” part? I had no idea these were going to be so much work when I purchased them. But, I hope I can get them cleaned up. I also purchased these at the same sale. Much less work involved with them. I have been looking for a Curtis Jere piece for a while, and am super excited I found multiple pieces in my price range. 72596097-DF5F-4698-BA49-E9BF72FE3626.jpeg
    Bakersgma, pearlsnblume and sabre123 like this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    What are those little spikey things?
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  3. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    They are brass. They are Curtis Jere urchin wall hangings. I will hang them separately on my wall. I would show pics of them hanging, but am still undecided about where to hang them.
    Bakersgma likes this.
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Your pic made me think they were organic!
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  5. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    That was actually the pic the company of the sale took. They are still in my car.
  6. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Does a magnet stick to the mirrors? If so, they are plated and may not clean up all that well. The first pic makes me think this is also lacquered. I see that the front of another is pretty badly deteriorated. If they are solid and not lacquered, they can be polished. If lacquered, they will need to be stripped first. I guess I would not worry too much about the backs. They can be sealed as-is with a spray clear-coat. If plated, you may not have much success with these.
    sabre123 likes this.
  7. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    2E9C9B8C-957D-4098-92D8-DA84681E75F4.jpeg E0F72D0E-7935-4DAC-9516-189D971ED088.jpeg Sorry I wasn’t being clear. This is just one mirror. The shiny front part, fits over the super rusty ring. I was able to also remove the mirror from the rusted ring. All metal parts are magnetic. I think the front part might be painted or lacquered as you suggested. Only on the edges does the rust start to invade the visible part of the mirror. There is rust in the back side of the ring that snaps on the front. The photo on top and bottom are of the backside of the front visible ring. I hope that makes more sense. 13F463C7-4C19-40CB-8E23-D45FD36525D5.jpeg C2B262A0-C082-4D45-9581-7187496B1AFA.jpeg
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  8. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    So sorry I don’t quite know what is happening with my pictures.
  9. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    9283D649-42FE-4032-BFC0-4470768D67DB.jpeg Here are all three mirror together.
  10. cfh

    cfh Well-Known Member

    What kind of clear coat spray would I use? Something like Rustoleum? Should I just tape over the front part and spay the whole back and edges?
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  11. Sdcookie2

    Sdcookie2 Well-Known Member

    If you plan on reselling them leave them alone since they are worth about $500 each
    cfh likes this.

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