Box of misc. Glass

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Nathan Lindop, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    This box is going to the charity shop, we only bought it for one piece of uranium glass.

    Thought I’d throw it up on here to see if we missed a trick anywhere. Are any of these worth much? Some are crystal too and there’s a carnival glass. No Pontil marks or anything so not really old.

    Pulled out two of the glasses I like most, the small ones are a set of four and the larger is a pair

    FAFA7E95-0F75-4088-AC83-5A8670FD16F7.jpeg 23174DA2-A671-47E7-AF3B-5BB68D715100.jpeg 3FB2F052-BC51-468E-8785-F774FAE33CC1.jpeg 00D51257-EB8D-4527-951D-7376115DC505.jpeg AEC88420-BF09-46EF-A0F8-05786AA77CF6.jpeg A35C99C1-37CE-4808-BBDD-67712FD280F4.jpeg
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  2. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Champagne flute if a set might do ok. Newer 1980s and after.

    What are these? If damaged don't bother. Otherwise could you post a picture please
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    That first one is a Crystal d'Arques moulded one, I've seen lots. I think the swirl ones are as well. Agree on the champagne.

    What are those vases or bowls in the second image, at the back.

    Don't assume if no pontil it's new. ;)
  4. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    Ok, I was assuming you might just say chuck these but I’ll make sure to take a few more pics for you all when I’m I see them tomorrow. At my gf’s at the moment
  5. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    In the 2nd to last photo, if that's a cake stand, it would be nice to see it. It appears to have a pleasing pattern.
  6. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    I think it is yeh. I won’t actually be home for a few days so I’ll his might be on hold till Monday xD

    How much does Crystal sell for like those set of four small and the two champagne flutes
  7. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Depends if you can id them. Have a VERY good look at thosee flutes for tiny etched marks.
  8. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    I definately will, wish me luck xD
  9. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    The champagne flutes and the small glasses with the hobnail cut at the bottom of the stem (what are these glasses called?) don’t have any marks neither did any in the box but one did which I’ll attach here.

    I can only get these disgusting quality pictures of the marks xD looks like to R’s back to back mirrored and I think there are some dots underneath at the two feet of each letter R.

    Found a whisky tumbler I completely missed too. Yoink! Thanks for asking me to look for marks again :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

    (I did look at the cake stand it had a moulding seam on, does this means it’s cheap or not? And a pic of the base of some small glasses with weird shapes in the glass at the base.)

    A511CEEC-98ED-4C03-BC15-FF0292E6B64D.jpeg 1ED45756-3005-402F-92D7-2E009C56DB3D.jpeg A06A9F9E-6C4F-416C-8833-51117729D133.jpeg E4ADEB26-6A62-4872-A509-564A26B3261A.jpeg 4DDA8C44-52AE-4EBC-9F9F-82709376F7C3.jpeg D991CFBD-A849-432D-A3C7-6177DA3C59BA.jpeg
  10. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

  11. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    I was going through Rogaska. Only got as far as Jardin. Didn't find the wine and don't have time to continue.
  12. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    That is impressively close! Same motifs slightly different composition. Here’s a clearer photo.

    How did you go about searching for the glass?

  13. Nathan Lindop

    Nathan Lindop 1: “?” 2: “!”

    The notches at the base make it stand out but Struggling to find any similar
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