I have a few oriental rugs that I got from my grandfather and I know nothing about them. Is this a good one is it worth anything? He bought back in 1986
Welcome, Jesika! It was likely brand new when purchased. I have one of a very similar design, size and colorway that I bought for about $100 at one of the "hotel rug auctions" that were very popular in the 80's. Mine has a Pakistan tag. (That was back when Iranian products, new, old or otherwise, were banned from import into the US.) I really don't know what the "Quality - Super Royal" equates to in terms of "knots per square inch," but it sounds a bit "hype-y" if you get my drift. Are you near a store specializing in "oriental" rugs? That would be a better source of information about quality. Are the other rugs all of this small size?
Some but others are larger, I have a somewhat large off white one also, I have a certificate of authenticity which says $1,100. I have a few the certificates for some but not all the rugs.
Who are these "certificates of authenticity" from? I am always skeptical of such things, particularly when they have a value on them. An independent appraisal (not issued by the seller) is another (and better) story, although as in any market, values go down as well as up.
The values could be what your grandfather paid, but, as I said, don't count on them as current value. Are you planning on keeping them or selling them?
Around here they generally seem to have fallen significantly in price, at least on the secondary market.
Well, I still recommend that you visit a local dealer in hand knotted rugs. The internet is a wonderful place to learn terminology and see pretty pictures, but it isn't a good substitute for a hands-on evaluation by a qualified professional and an in-person education about what you have and what to look for in the others. Even if all you learn is how to tell the difference between a hand knotted rug and one that was machine made, it will be worth it.