Basket ID

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by J Dagger, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Once upon a time there was man on eBay selling off a large collection that he had inherited. Antiques and some antiquities. He started all items as $0.01 opening bid auctions. I ended up buying probably over 100 items from him. Maybe closer to 200. A lot of pretty good things and mostly at very low prices. He wasn’t great at titles or timing auctions. Tons of good African stuff. I found out the hard way that African tribal stuff isn’t necessarily “hot sellers” when you’re asking decent money but most of it sold eventually and the rest will someday I’m sure. I’ve made a healthy profit on many of the things playing the long game. Amongst the things I bought were a handful of baskets and handful of pots. For years when I searched through my emails I could find the “you won” email that eBay sent with the thumbnail photo of each item. I bought so many random things there was no way I could remember what each was supposed to be. Baskets are always particularly confusing for me anyways. Much of the stuff I received and just immediately put away never to see it again. One or two boxes I literally still haven’t opened. Some of the baskets were supposed to be NA, some African, some probably something else. Recently as I go back I see that the thumbnails have disappeared from the emails. I figured once they were in my inbox they were there forever. They must have still somehow been connected to eBay servers or something. Guessing eBay did a purge recently of back images. Now I just see a little blank spot with a question mark I think it is. The listings disappeared long ago but that one email thumbnail had remained. So for years I could match the photo to the description. Now some of the things I really don’t recall how they were described. I think I took a screenshot of many of them with title and description but that was a few devices ago. Anyways long story long, this is a basket I need help ID’ing. I have no idea what it is. I was primarily interested in buying NA baskets at the time but someone could have sold me Martian baskets at the time and called them NA baskets and I wouldn’t have been any the wiser. This one is badly beat up. It looks like lots of cultures make baskets with somewhat similar forms. Anyone know the who/what/when/where? 19A536DF-DB55-441C-8F63-BED3E9C82A64.jpeg 42868A44-F604-4BD0-96A2-D439EBB0A7D2.jpeg 54A8C83A-2694-4BBE-9CC2-BD06BBB5F04C.jpeg BE36D0EE-5BD0-43A8-BA17-D28543F662DE.jpeg
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    rod coiling...SW usa...
    J Dagger likes this.
  3. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

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