Featured Authentic? Tiffany Spoon

Discussion in 'Silver' started by i need help, Jan 28, 2025.

  1. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    IMG_4236.jpeg IMG_4237.jpeg So I won this auction. I don't know the size until I receive it. Is this a proper Tiffany mark? Also, is J*P the retailer? Who might that be?
    Thank you for looking.
  2. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    John Polhamus for Tiffany.
    kyratango, Hi2022, aaroncab and 16 others like this.
  3. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Great Thank you so much! ;)
    kyratango, Hi2022, laura9797 and 6 others like this.
  4. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    So that dates between 1845 & 1874.
  5. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    Wouldn’t be later than 1874 but not sure when he did flatware for Tiffany.
  6. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    pearlsnblume and laura9797 like this.
  7. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    laura9797 and Marote like this.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    1845-1874 according to the internet. I couldn't find your pattern either.

    laura9797 and i need help like this.
  9. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

    Mmmmm! I love a great sterling spoon!
    This is especially nice
  10. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Thanks for looking. I will wait until I get it, and take better photos.
    pearlsnblume and laura9797 like this.
  11. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    I think you probably saw this, but is it possible the man, a George Shiebler, who wound up with some of John Polhamus's dies, and continued to make some of Polhamus's flatware, might have also used Polhamus's Mark and at a later date??

    John Polhemus -sterling designer of fTiffany Flatware.jpg
  12. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Thanks Aqui, I'll look into it.
    Hi2022, laura9797 and Aquitaine like this.
  13. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Nice spoon! The firm became 'Tiffany & Co.' in 1853 after Young and Ellis retired, in 1868 Tiffany acquired the Moore firm intending to start producing their own flatware, Edward Moore became part of the company, and production of flatware started in 1869, so your window would be 1853-69. Unlikely there was a pattern name, yours appears to have a downturned terminal, typically identified as 'Old English', offered plain or with numerous engraved designs added - Tiffany introduced a similar classic old pattern 'Antique' in 1870 with an upturned terminal (renamed 'King William' in 1956).

  14. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Thank you so much for all that information, @DragonflyWink. I'm really pleased with it and can't wait to get it.
  15. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Without knowing the size, I would be inclined to call it a sugar shell, unless it turns out to be the size of a serving piece.
    i need help, laura9797 and J Dagger like this.
  16. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Shiebler is one of my favorite silversmiths/firms. The work was top notch. Some really cool mixed metal stuff too. I’ve only run into a few pieces I could buy and I think I’ve sold them all but I look forward to finding more. Somewhat similar to the quality and creativity of earlier Gorham.
    i need help and laura9797 like this.
  17. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Aw, that'll make a nice birthday present!

    Very nice spoon.:)
    i need help likes this.
  18. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Big congrats INH- I can't recall scoring a piece of genuine Tiffany in the last 50 years !
    i need help likes this.
  19. Hi2022

    Hi2022 Well-Known Member

    I'm not an expert but the Y and F looks odd to me
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
  20. Hi2022

    Hi2022 Well-Known Member

    I think especially the dot after CO is not rhigt The "O" shoud be a underlined superscript . But maybe this is one of the many variation on the mark
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