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Asian Design Plates

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Moonbeam007, Feb 10, 2025.

  1. Moonbeam007

    Moonbeam007 New Member

    I have 4 of these dinner plates and cannot find anything definitive about them. I have no idea if they are old or not. The backstamp looks similar to Meissen's crossed swords, but it is red and Meissen is blue. They are beautiful plates with floral design and what looks like a temple. There is also a box or an alter that is prominent in the design and on the rim. It looks like European ceramics inspired by Chinese or Japanese design. However, most similar European plates have printed, detailed, backstamps.

    I have attached pictures of front and back. Thank you for any insights you can provide. Chinese.jpg Chinese2.jpg Chinese Alter.jpg
    kentworld, Figtree3 and johnnycb09 like this.
  2. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Schlesische Porzellanfabrik Louis Levinsohn, a German factory has a similar mark in blue, but I couldn't find anything red with a very quick Google. It is a printed, not painted design, and looks modern but could be older. The crossed swords mark is one of the most copied marks out there! @Chris Marshall Is this German?
    Any Jewelry and Figtree3 like this.
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