Artworks - artist unknown

Discussion in 'Art' started by Dory64, Feb 16, 2024.

  1. Dory64

    Dory64 Well-Known Member

    Hi all
    I am dispersing my late father's estate and have a couple of paintings that I can't find who painted. When I use Google lens it comes up with Edgar Hunt and the frames are certainly the same style as those many of his works are in - but I'm guessing they're a later copy of his style.
    The back of the paintings have a label - Mill'd Boards prepared for oil painting by Geo. Rowney & Co., 51 Rathbone Place, London. According to Google, Geo. Rowney & Co. were in business at 51 Rathbone Place between 1854 and 1862 - so rather early for Hunt's era, but guess the boards could still have been available?
    I found one of them on - extremely similar but with subtle differences. Doesn't look like the quality of painting on Dad's is as good close up, but from a distance they look the part.
    24cm by 19cm excluding frames.
    I have to sell them so don't want to misrepresent them so I'd be grateful if anyone could give me any ideas. As always thanks in advance.

    IMG_20240217_093249.jpg IMG_20240217_093302.jpg IMG_20240217_093322.jpg IMG_20240217_093346.jpg IMG_20240217_093404.jpg IMG_20240217_093418.jpg
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  2. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    ive had a couple before, and they're quite convincingly made to look old, which is stupid as they're not that bad

    but were made to deceive,

    they still sell ok though
    Any Jewelry, mirana, komokwa and 2 others like this.
  3. Dory64

    Dory64 Well-Known Member

    Great, thanks so much Charlie - I though that might be the case.
    johnnycb09 and charlie cheswick like this.
  4. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    the aging is quite an artform in itself with these :)
    johnnycb09 and Dory64 like this.
  5. Dory64

    Dory64 Well-Known Member

    They've certainly gone to a lot of trouble to do it!
    johnnycb09 and charlie cheswick like this.
  6. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Those frames are a giveaway. I have a small oil painting bought at auction. I knew what it was (a Chinese import), but I liked the little landscape it portrayed. Exact same frame as yours. At that time there was a flood of these paintings at local auctions.
    charlie cheswick and johnnycb09 like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I've said this before about decorative artwork... If you look carefully, you can see that the "artist" worked with minimum effort to create maximum effect. Compare your father's works with this genuine work by Edgar Hunt. See how the cabbage is fully captured here compared with the broad strokes of the greens above.


    mirana, komokwa and charlie cheswick like this.
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