Anyone recognize the character in these vintage tumblers?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Lucille.b, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Standard size tumbler, 3-18 embossed on bottom. Not impossible these are newer, condition is unused.

    Anyone recognize this character? Thanks. glass1.jpg glass3.jpg
    cxgirl and KingofThings like this.
  2. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Several sellers are listing these on ebay and say they were made by Hazel Atlas and have the H over A logo on the bottom. Maybe yours just looks like 3-18? They mostly call them Children's Fantasy tumblers.
    Lucille.b and KingofThings like this.
  3. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    On ebay...terrible picture......they say Hazel Atlas.

    I'm on my laptop and for some reason, I can't c/p.......they show 3 glasses....
    Lucille.b and KingofThings like this.
  4. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    We had a lot of those type of glasses when I was a kid and neither of these looks familiar. Could they be from English cartoons?
  5. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Even if you can't find out who the characters are, I bet they will sell for you as they have that atomic style to them.
  6. KevinTN

    KevinTN Member

    They're called swanky swigs in the US. I don't know if yours has a specific name.

    Lucille.b likes this.
  7. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    The term Swanky Swigs is for certain kinds of smaller glasses that were made and used by certain foods as reusable glasses. Most character glasses like these were NOT Swanky Swigs but common usage has called them that even though they are not Swanky Swigs. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Sorry Kevin.
  8. KevinTN

    KevinTN Member

    I wouldn't called them character glasses simply because the image isn't a known character such as a Mickey Mouse, etc. If the author wanted to research it, it would be easier to use the current terminology, although incorrect to Swanky purists, than calling them character glasses (actually tumblers). In fact, if you search swanky swig cowboy you will find the identical tumblers.

    judy, Lucille.b and KingofThings like this.
  9. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Kevin,
    If you search Tiffany glass shades you will find lots listed though NONE of them are Tiffany. Just because people say they are, they are not. It is difficult enough to keep things in perspective when people say whatever suits them. The only reason I say they are NOT it is because they are not. I just think a spade is a spade and not a pointed shovel.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    judy and Lucille.b like this.
  10. KevinTN

    KevinTN Member

    I understand your point. I'll try to use the term "Swanky swig style" in the future. I was just writing a simple answer to help the author research it.

    judy, Lucille.b and gregsglass like this.
  11. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    All of this has been super helpful. Basically wanted to rule out any huge value -- you never know if something is the odd hard-to-find character glass worth $$. Sounds like these are worth around $10 each, but only on a very good day. Too much trouble shipping glass, think I'll keep or donate.

    One curious thing, although if I'm using them, doesn't really matter, these do not have the HA on the bottom. Wonder if they are a modern remake.

    Thanks, all!
    judy, pearlsnblume and Christmasjoy like this.
  12. dgbjwc

    dgbjwc Well-Known Member

    I doubt they are remakes. More likely is that the pattern for this generic little guy was sold to more than one company. Note the faces are the same. I don't think they represent any given character but rather reflect what little boys should want to grow up to be. Ah, the days of firm gender roles. And woe be any boy that wouldn't or couldn't conform! (That last was a personal rant - said the guy in the fruit and floral hat).
  13. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    LOL from the girl who had tool kits and guns and bows and arrows. No dolls for me.
    judy, pearlsnblume and dgbjwc like this.
  14. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if they were made by Glas-bake as some of their items had those kind of numbers on the bases.
    judy likes this.
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