Anyone recognise the pattern or maker of this glass dish please

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by KSW, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Not mine but some poor lady appealing on FB trying to replace one of these that she has broken ( I suspect before she is found out:bag::hilarious:)
    Any ideas as to which maker or pattern this is please?
    284B26C8-6AC7-420B-8C1C-319445D1A0EB.jpeg 8D4C9C14-17D4-43CC-A193-76F7A1AC4C2E.jpeg 7FEA07D2-C16F-499E-9731-300817309A78.jpeg 5397ED37-64EC-43B8-A1D6-D6442D2090B4.jpeg
  2. Ce BCA

    Ce BCA Well-Known Member

    The glass cutters at Webbs used to call these criss-cross mitre & fan patterns, there are many, many variations made by a variety of glass companies in the UK and of course elsewhere. You often see names for them like 'Tay' or 'Wellington'. The differences are the depth and angle of cuts, spread of the mitres, number of elements to the fan etc. The octagonal foot and knop are not so common and may be the key to getting the exact one.

    Search the obvious glass makers at (Webb, Edinburgh, Stuart etc) or fire them off an email with it and let them track it down!

    Fun fact, I had a try at cutting one of these patterns many years ago at an open day, it is devilishly hard as you do it mirrored and have to arc the glass - result hilariously bad. Some of the master cutters could do over 100 designs on most glass body shapes just from memory!
    Darkwing Manor, KSW and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  3. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Thankyou. I’ll pass the information on :)
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