Anyone know how to read Chinese?

Discussion in 'Art' started by ZeeFinds, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. ZeeFinds

    ZeeFinds Active Member

    I purchased this nice looking display of 5 coins. I think these are Chinese. Does anyone know what it says about the coins, are they money, or maybe tokens?

    Thanks for viewing!;)

    judy likes this.
  2. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    They are Chinese Cash coins, millions upon millions have been struck over centuries.
    Any Jewelry and judy like this.
  3. ZeeFinds

    ZeeFinds Active Member

    Thanks for confirming my suspicion! I'm still curious to know what it says about them?
    judy likes this.
  4. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

  5. Couch Potato Wannabe

    Couch Potato Wannabe Well-Known Member

    Side Text
    千年財富話魅力咸陽 = Millennium Wealth, Charm of Xianyang

    First coin is a Half Tael
    秦始皇半兩錢 = Qin Shi Huang, Half a Tael
    距今2350年歴史 = 2350 Years
    此時咸陽華憂之都 = Xianyang Huayou City at this time

    Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty (The first emperor)
    Half a Tael (Name of one type of Chinese currency, introduced around 210 BC)
    Xianyang is a prefecture-level city in central Shaanxi province

    The second coin is a Five Baht
    漢武帝,五鈇錢 = Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Five Baht
    距今2100年歴史 = 2100 Years
    此時咸陽皇家林苑 = Xianyang Royal Forest Garden

    The third coin is a Kai Yuan Tong Bao
    唐太宗開元錢 = Tang Dynasty, Kaiyuan Tongbao
    距今1300年歴史 = 1300 Years
    此時咸陽絲路名城 = Xi'an Yang Silk Road City

    The Fourth Coin
    宋仁宗皇宋錢 = Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty
    距今960年歴史 = 960 Years
    此時咸陽京兆府地 = Xianyang Jingzhao Mansion

    The Fifth Coin is a Yuan Feng Tong Bao
    宋神宗元豐錢 = Emperor Shen Zong of Song Dynasty, Yuan Feng Tong Bao
    距今928年歴史 = 928 Years
    此時咸陽京兆府地 = Xianyang Jingzhao Mansion
    1068-1085 AD.
    quirkygirl, blooey, Siblye and 6 others like this.
  6. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    So wonderful of you @Couch Potato Wannabe to share your knowledge of such a complex language!

    Hats off to you!
    Couch Potato Wannabe and komokwa like this.
  7. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Couch Potato Wannabe and komokwa like this.
  8. ZeeFinds

    ZeeFinds Active Member

    Quite possibly the nicest reply I have ever received from the internet.

    Many thanks to Couch Potato Wannabe!

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