Any sundial enthusiasts?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by SeaGoat, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    Bought this bronze sundial in hopes I could find a gnomon... I can't :rolleyes:

    Still a pretty piece.

    I'm not sure how to figure out who made it or how old it is.
    I believe late 1800s early 1900s

    Anyone know where I can find more information on them?
    Or the piece I need?

  2. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    The bottom will tell me more than the top. No dimensions. Why are you people so stingy with information required for us to answer your questions?
    Aquitaine, judy and Any Jewelry like this.
  3. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Because I was "entranced" so to speak, with the motto/saying on the sundial, I did a little research and found a bit of history on the "motto."

    This motto, belonging to the numerous family of Horas non numero nisi serenas, is inscribed on a horizontal dial set up about 1870 in the grounds of Lansdowne Lodge, Kenmare, co. Kerry. In 1895 the same motto was chosen by H. R. H. the Princess of Wales for a vertical dial at Sandringham House, together with No. 767."

    Quote above is from an interesting (to me) website recounting sundial sayings/mottoes. ;)
  4. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    I was at work when I posted so I didn't have it on hand to measure.
    If 12.75"

    I meant to oust pictures of the back.
    The bottom had nothing written in it.
    There is an exact one in a park somewhere in the USA. I found it the other night while researching it, but I didn't save it and now I can't find it off hand :rolleyes:
    I'll have to keep looking
    judy and yourturntoloveit like this.
  5. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    Unless you are a flat earther, (in which case sundials are impossible) you would need to make a gnomon at the correct angle for your latitude. If you live 45 degrees north the angle would be 45 degrees. Any book on sundials would show you what you need.
    It appears to be rolled brass, typical of late 19th or earky 20th C garden sundials which were invariably made somewhat 'olde worlde' style.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I love sundials.
    I bought a similar one new in the 1980s, with gnomon. It has been outside all this time, so it has natural verdigris now. It will probably be sold as a valuable antique when I'm gone.;)
    yourturntoloveit and judy like this.
  7. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    What does the 34°30 stand for?
    I figured it had something to do with the gnomon?

    Really I just wanted it for wall decor and would like to find a gnomon that looked original to it

    So you think this is a modern day dial?
  8. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    Per stamped-in numbers on bottom this dial (the gnomon anyway) was made to read sundial time at a latitude 34 degrees 30 minutes. If you want to restore it "authentically" you'd get a gnomon with an angle of 34 degrees 30 minutes, the thickness of which matches the "shadow" of the original on the base. Unless you are going to do that in your basement machine shop and have brass stock on hand already, buying a complete, similar one would be more economical.
  9. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the advice!

    I'll keep it on my watch list :)
    yourturntoloveit and judy like this.
  10. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    Las Cruces, CA is about 34 degrees 30 minutes North latitude, for example.
    SeaGoat and yourturntoloveit like this.
  11. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    For use as wall decor, get a piece of 1/4" or so thick plexiglass and have someone with a jigsaw or bandsaw cut a wedge with the correct angle, sand upper edges smooth, mix paint to match the base, paint, glue it onto base, hang thing on the wall, take picture, post here.
  12. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

    That quick and simple right?? :joyful:

    I have a jig saw that was given to me a few years ago but it scares me.
    I attached the blade and guess I did so incorrectly and it bounced off when I turned it on :eek:
    Since then I've just said, nope, not until someone can show me how properly
    Aquitaine and yourturntoloveit like this.
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