Featured Any George Jones Experts Recognise This?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Icarus, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. Icarus

    Icarus Member


    Need help identifying this Charger/Plate it’s signed and dated by the artist STW? 1872
    Stoke Upon Trent on the reverse and the GJ monogram. Measures 32cm diameter.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    janetpjohn and Icarus like this.
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    That’s a very competent hobby painter on a blank.
    John Brassey and Icarus like this.
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    yah, well that's the link I posted as well........and I don't see the op's mark anywhere.[​IMG]
    crowleys likes this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    show me the match...!!;)
    Icarus likes this.
  7. Icarus

    Icarus Member

    Thank you for all the replies I appreciate your help, it’s very unusual indeed. I did look at that website but couldn’t see this mark either. I’ll keep looking.
    komokwa likes this.
  8. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Scroll down. The GJ logo is there in several different versions.
    Icarus likes this.
  9. Icarus

    Icarus Member

    This is the closest I guess but it’s impressed.

    Attached Files:

  10. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Meant to say, I think the initials are SJW and yes, it’s a George Jones blank.
    Icarus likes this.
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