Any Calligraphy Experts Out there?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Tylerhawkens, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Tylerhawkens

    Tylerhawkens Active Member

    I’m not a expert and usually pass on these pieces due to how common they are but this one really caught my eye and something told me don’t pass on it. Went with my gut and wondering if anyone has any thoughts on it? Can identify the artist? Or any other info?

    Attached Files:

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  2. Tylerhawkens

    Tylerhawkens Active Member

    If it’s any more assistance there is some writing on back in chalk. Maybe for starters does anyone know if this is Chinese or Japanese?

    Attached Files:

  3. Paul W

    Paul W Active Member

    I'd say Japanese Zen calligraphy, but the meaning eludes me.
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  4. Tylerhawkens

    Tylerhawkens Active Member

    Are you able to read Japanese?
  5. Paul W

    Paul W Active Member

    No, and OCR programs can't read/translate scrawled calligraphy. But it's probably a common Zen character for Original Mind, or Great Perfection, or No Mind, or Buddha, something like that.
    I simplified that character (see below) and did some Google image searches for it, but didn't find that exact one.

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