Antique Yiddish books Sholom Aleichem

Discussion in 'Books' started by MyAntiquersName, Mar 23, 2022.

  1. MyAntiquersName

    MyAntiquersName Active Member

    8B609A3C-5556-41B6-B107-2813E13DBCB4.jpeg 24C2C26B-5C95-4718-9F3E-1479998A08EB.jpeg Hi - I stumbled upon this 12 volume set of books by Sholom Aleichem written in Yiddish with the sole copyright date of 1919 and I would like to sell them if I can. If not, I will donate them to a Yiddish library, if they are interested. Does anyone know if they have any value? The books were in the former apartment of parents of a relative. I only have two photos now but I can get more later. The photos I have show the books in the display cabinet, which was in an unoccupied apartment for many years.

  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Figtree3 likes this.
  3. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Debora likes this.
  4. MyAntiquersName

    MyAntiquersName Active Member

  5. MyAntiquersName

    MyAntiquersName Active Member

    I haven’t had a close up look at the books as I’m viewing them over Zoom. If they are damaged would that mean they are not sellable?
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  6. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Not much I can say. The author died in 1916. Typically, a set of collected writings like this wouldn't be worth a whole lot, and less with damage. Being written in Yiddish will be a limiting factor one way or the other.

    Here's a bit about the author:
    Figtree3 and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  7. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    It has been our experience that there is little interest (or value) in Yiddish books. Condition always affects whatever value there is.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    looks like water damage.....looks bad....

    " I stumbled upon this 12 volume set of books by Sholom Aleichem.."

    I like that.....that;s funny
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    he was born in Ukraine .......and a great maybe there is value there.
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  10. MyAntiquersName

    MyAntiquersName Active Member

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