Antique & Collectables Shows

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Joe2007, Aug 24, 2017.

  1. Joe2007

    Joe2007 Collector

    Some categories of antiques and collectables occasionally have shows for collectors to congregate, show off their collections, and to buy/sell/trade their collectables. Many of these shows are small affairs and may be difficult to locate if you are not well connected in the local collecting community since they usually don't have large advertising budgets. Many are sponsored by local clubs of collectors in that particular niche.

    In my city there are monthly shows for coins, sports cards, and stamps/ephemera. For the longest time I didn't even know they existed since they are fairly small and not well advertised.

    What types of antique & collectables shows are in your area?
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. KentWhirled

    KentWhirled Well-Known Member

    Retro-Vintage seem to be key words around here. Any Antique shows always add Collectibles in the title, but there always seems to be a lot of "junque" in any show...
    Joe2007 and KingofThings like this.
  3. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    I'm on the committee for the annual Melbourne Pen Show that we have here every November. It is a relatively small affair, but nonetheless, our own.

    We buy, sell, trade and display antique, vintage and new writing instruments, accessories, nicknacks and antiques. Have done for...twenty years? Probably longer... I joined in 2005, so I've been doing it for about 10 years already.
    Joe2007, Barn Owl and KingofThings like this.
  4. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    The International Depression Glass Society holds a show every Feb and Aug at McClellan Air Force base in Sac.
    Used to be only Depression Glass, but now includes EAPG to MCM. The focus is still Depression Glass.
    A nice show if you are in the area.
    Joe2007 likes this.
  5. Joe2007

    Joe2007 Collector

    Might be going to a coin show this weekend. Always fun to look at cool stuff that may be out of your price range! It is amazing how many dealers from a 200 mile radius show up. It is a great opportunity for them as well as they usually trade amongst themselves behind the scenes in order to move inventory and find want list items for customers.
    KentWhirled likes this.
  6. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    No specialty shows that I know of on Cape Cod. The CC Antique Dealers have regular shows, but that's generic
  7. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    There used to be a postcard show on the Cape, I'm not sure but is still held though.

    September 16 & 17 there will be a glass show in Barnstable on the Cape. It will have everything from all periods, it's an amazing show. Here are some photos from last year's show:

  8. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Ooooooooooo!!! How lovely!
    clutteredcloset49 likes this.
  9. SeaGoat

    SeaGoat Well-Known Member

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