Another unsigned painting, experts needed

Discussion in 'Art' started by CluelessFarmBoy, Nov 13, 2021.

  1. CluelessFarmBoy

    CluelessFarmBoy Active Member

    Out of the pile of "art" I have acquired from the neurosurgeons private collection that I posted some weeks ago, I have narrowed it down to five paintings that, with my lack of knowledge and incredibly non-existent years of first hand experience dealing in fine arts, I believe to be original hand-painted works of art(of immeasurable value of course)

    I would be elated if the experts(or just someone more knowledgeable than myself) would weigh in and provide, at the very least, speculation on the who's, what's, where's, when's & how's (as in "how much is it worth?") of this particular piece.

    I will be creating a separate thread for each one of the next four paintings as well as I photograph and inspect them.

    This one appears to been painted on cardboard, which is slightly warped, there is no glass in the frame and the back of the card board once had some sort of black paper ish backing which is you can see is flaking off horribly, there is part of a tag in the upper left-hand corner which appears to be from some store and perhaps the last part of the title or description of the painting.

    A couple areas of note on the painting itself are the upper left hand corner after I remove it from the frame it looks like there is a small grouping of dark paint marks.

    The second area of note is in the bottom left-hand corner which sort of looks like characters of some sort possibly.

    So what do you think?

    kmc_20211113_155355.jpg kmc_20211113_155344.jpg kmc_20211113_155505.jpg kmc_20211113_155435.jpg kmc_20211113_155410.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    That there would be a better chance of success with pictures.
    CluelessFarmBoy likes this.
  3. CluelessFarmBoy

    CluelessFarmBoy Active Member

    Yeah I finished typing and it signed me out when I went to upload, and upon signing back in it had Auto posted it for me with no pictures so I don't know why it's happened to me before but anyways oh, the pictures are up, with duplicates I see.... why do I do this on my phone....
    Bronwen likes this.
  4. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    It's antique probably from the 1940s. Skill wise very amateur. It will be difficult to find the artist on works like this. Value not very much. If you like it hang it on the wall but if you are re selling I would just sell the frame I hate to say.
  5. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    If from the 40s it would be about 20 years before it's antique :)
    Bronwen and CluelessFarmBoy like this.
  6. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    It could be late 30s but appears to be around that era.
    Bronwen and CluelessFarmBoy like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Appears to have been created on an older, cut-down board of this brand. The frame doesn't appear to be original as it appears to have sat some time in a frame without squared corners. To my eye, the work has little artistic merit and may have held its place in a collection for sentimental reasons.


    Screen Shot 2021-11-13 at 2.17.54 PM.jpeg
  8. CluelessFarmBoy

    CluelessFarmBoy Active Member

    Nah, I don't care for it much at all, tbh I wanted to throw it in the garbage, especially with the little black flakes constantly falling off the backing, much appreciated everyone! On to the next!
    Bronwen likes this.
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